Welcome to this guide.
Finding all the items for the museum is quite a task. You will find most of them by digging and a few by mining. Gladly since update #2 we have an icon over them in your inventory so you know which items can be donated to the museum.
Some recommendations:
– Wait with grinding for all those items till you have the master shovel and the master pickaxe.
– Don’t throw double items away, as some are required for quests.
– If you still have people who aren’t friends level 5, take them with you on this grind.

Item 01: Amethyst – Mining in the swamp area
Item 02: Emerald – Mining in the forest area
Item 03: Diamond – mining in the snow area
Item 04: Ancient Flute – Digging in the forest area
Item 05: Medallion of Honourableness – Mining in the forest area
Item 06: The Blazing Amulet – Snow area but unsure if it was with digging or mining.
Item 07: The Dracorex Scroll – In the sand in the desert area and the beach area
Item 08: Ruby – Mining in the mountain area
Item 09: Slicebringer – Digging in the mountain area
Item 10: The Graciliceratops Diary – Digging in the meadows
Item 11: The Sharpcrest Totem – digging in the desert area/ Digging moss in the swamp area
Item 12: The Unknowable Totem – Digging in the beach area
Item 13: Sapphire – Mining in the meadows area
Item 14: Bismuth – Mining in the desert area
Item 15: Spikeneck Vase – Digging in desert area and snow area
Item 16: Bird Fossil – digging in desert area
Item 17: Fish Fossil – digging in the beach area
Item 18: Reptile Fossil – Digging moss in the swamp area
Item 19: Topaz – Mining in the beach area
Item 20: Mammal Fossil – digging in the snow area
Item 21: Plant Fossil – Digging in the mountain area
Item 22: Pearl – Found lying around or by digging in the beach area
Item 23: Petrified Wood – Digging in the forest area

Thank you!
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