Arcane Arts: Sorcerer’s Quest is a treat for those who enjoy the recent GameHouse games. Going to the universes of the other Gamehouse games is so much fun. No missable achievements and takes around 9 hours to complete.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 9 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: You don\t need a guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No, you can play on easy and still unlock all the achievements
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
In Arcane Arts: Sorcerer’s Quest Erika gets detained because she meddled with chaos magic and has to go through a prosecution. The question is if she will have a fair trial or are they out for her no matter what she did or not. Can she sit still while the war between the magic realms is about to start?
The Arcane Arts universum is one of my favorite universes from all the GameHouse games. I just love a magic story! This one is the best so far in the series, but it goes further from the previous titles. So I highly recommend playing them in order. For this one, it also is extra fun if you have played the other recent games from Gamehouse Games (Barbarous, Undercover, Elena’s Journal, and Welcome to Primrose Lake). That way visiting some of those realms will be a lovely treat and the levels will feel a bit familiar while not feeling repetitive.
If you’re familiar with my reviews for other GameHouse games, you know that I love this type of time management games. Completing orders, being able to click already on next actions while the main character is still working on things. It is just so addictive and so much fun. What helps is that the levels are short and the story in between is nice. This is one of my favorite stories so far. It is exciting and visiting other realms is just great. I also love that there is one setting that isn’t a shop kinda setting, while it still works so well with this type of game.
This entry has fewer Steam achievements than previous titles but I think that I like that. It felt a bit less spammy, and while it was addictive to just go for one more achievement, this still works in this title. what has changed is that in-game you have 3 different levels for most of the achievements. Do something X times, do it x more times and lastly do it X times. In game, the counters still have that information but on Steam you only get the achievements for reaching and completing those last levels.
None of the achievements are missable. There are achievements for watching all cutscenes (so don’t skip those), getting all 5 diamonds for each level, completing all the levels and doing the different actions in the levels. I love that this game didn’t have an achievement for losing customers! I don’t like the sad faces and in earlier entries, most of the when going for that achievement I just left my PC for a few minutes while a level was running.
I give Arcane Arts: Sorcerer’s Quest 4,5 out of 5 stars.
This review for Arcane Arts: Sorcerer’s Quest was written on 5 Oktober 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 38 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.