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Caravan Sandwitch – 100% Achievement Guide

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Caravan SandWitch



Welcome to this achievement guide for the awesome game Caravan Sandwitch. I had such a lovely time playing through this game and making this guide.

To be clear, you probably don’t need this guide. Most of the achievements you’ll easily find on your own and the game does an awesome job of warning you if you really want to continue and which quests will be left unfinished if you decide to indeed continue.

Just finish the quests the pop-up tells you, all the others will still work as long as it doesn’t show up in the pop-up. Furthermore, I highly recommend exploring the whole map, using every springboard you can find, and collecting all the components you can find.

Story-related achievements

Mind the Gap
Take the train to Cigalo
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Attention au départ ! ES: Viajeros al tren DE: Zurückbleiben bitte KO: 출발 준비! JA: 隙間に注意 PT/BR: Cuidado com o Vão ZH-HANS: 当心空隙

Collect a component for the first time
This achievement is not really store-related but to progress the story you have to pick up multiple components, so you can’t miss this achievement either. However, there is an achievement for picking up 500 components in total, so keep picking up all the components you see.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Recyclage ES: Reciclando DE: Recycling KO: 재활용 JA: リサイクル PT/BR: Reciclando ZH-HANS: 回收利用

First scan with the antenna
This is the first upgrade for the van. Select the antenna and scan with it to find components in the nearby area. You’ll do this in the simulation for the first time after you upgrade the van.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Balayage ES: Escaneando DE: Scanner KO: 스캔 JA: スキャニング PT/BR: Procurando ZH-HANS: 扫描

Forced Entry
First door ripped open with the grappling hook
Story-related. After you unlock the upgrade for the grappling hook you get to do this in the simulation for the first time.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Accès Forcé ES: Apertura a la fuerza DE: Schlüsseldienst KO: 강제 접근 JA: 強制立ち入り PT/BR: Entrada Forçada ZH-HANS: 破门而入

Cyber Intrusion
First hack with antenna
Story-related. And again, you’ll use this first in a simulation.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Cyber Intrusion ES: Ciberataque DE: Cyber-Angriff KO: 사이버 침입 JA: サイバー攻撃 PT/BR: Invasão Cibernética ZH-HANS: 赛博入侵

Learning the Ropes
First Zipline
Story-related. And as always.. you’ll unlock this in the simulator when you first get to try out your new goodie.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Stage d’accrobranche ES: Mantente cuerda DE: Drahtseilakt KO: 나무 등반 코스 JA: ロープの達人 PT/BR: Aprendendo o Básico ZH-HANS: 滑索达人

Emergency Generator
First power supply with energy grapple
Another story-related achievement. This one you’ll also test out in the simulator for the first time.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Générateur de secours ES: Generador de emergencia DE: Notstromversorgung KO: 비상 발전기 JA: 非常用発電機 PT/BR: Gerador de Emergência ZH-HANS: 备用发电机

Rescue Plan
Point of no return, Sauge leaves for TARAASK with Rose
Story-related. While this is temporarily a point of no return after getting through the ending you’ll be back just before you get on the road with Rose.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Plan de sauvetage ES: Plan de rescate DE: Rettungsaktion KO: 구조 계획 JA: 救助計画 PT/BR: Plano de Resgate ZH-HANS: 救援计划

The Source of the Signal
Meet Garance
One of the two different endings. I’m so thankful that after you get through an ending you return to the garage at the point of the story where you have to let her know when you are ready to hit the road. So the other ending isn’t locked away but also you can go back to finishing those last few achievements you didn’t have completed yet.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: L’origine du signal ES: El origen de la señal DE: Der Ursprung des Signals KO: 신호의 기원 JA: 信号の発信源 PT/BR: A Origem do Sinal ZH-HANS: 信号源

Safe and Sound
Save Nèfle
One of the two different endings. I’m so thankful that after you get through an ending you return to the garage at the point of the story where you have to let her know when you are ready to hit the road. So the other ending isn’t locked away but also you can go back to finishing those last few achievements you didn’t have completed yet.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: En sécurité ES: A salvo DE: Auf Nummer sicher KO: 안전 JA: 安全な帰還 PT/BR: Sã e Salva ZH-HANS: 一切平安

Other achievements

Heart of a Child
Play hopscotch on the village bridge
In the main village (Estello), you find a hopscotch on the bridge. Just jump around on top of it to unlock this achievement.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Âme d’enfant ES: Corazón infantil DE: Jung geblieben KO: 아이의 영혼 JA: 子供の心 PT/BR: Coração de Criança ZH-HANS: 童心未泯

Score a goal in the cages on the village bridge
In the main village (Estello), you can find a soccer ball and a small goal on the bridge. Get the ball into the goal for this achievement. In case the ball gets stuck somewhere or isn’t on the bridge anymore, each time you reload the city the ball will reset.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: But !!! ES: ¡Gol! DE: Tooor!! KO: 골 !!! JA: ゴール!!! PT/BR: Gol!!! ZH-HANS: 球进了!!!

Questionable Waters
Step into polluted water
Just walk into the sea and at some point, this achievement will unlock.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Eaux douteuses ES: Aguas dudosas DE: Kein Trinkwasser KO: 의심스러운 수역 JA: 危険な水 PT/BR: Águas Duvidosas ZH-HANS: 可疑水域

Van Driver
Travel a total of 5km in the van
I unlocked this at the start of chapter 3, so no worries, you’ll unlock this achievement without any problems.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Routière ES: Al mando de la furgoneta DE: Busfahrerin KO: 라이더 JA: バンのドライバー PT/BR: Motorista de Van ZH-HANS: 货车司机

Experienced Athlete
Jump 100 times with Sauge
You’ll get this very soon, without even actively trying.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Athlète confirmée ES: Atleta experimentada DE: Beinarbeit KO: 숙련된 운동 선수 JA: ベテランアスリート PT/BR: Atleta Experiente ZH-HANS: 田径老手

Spend more than one second in the air with the van
There is a big ramp just south of the main village. Use that one while speeding before making the jump (holding down the A key on an Xbox controller) and you’ll unlock this. There is even a higher one from the Nomads village, so if you’re struggling you can use that one instead.

Achievement name in different languages: FR: Vol plané ES: Volando voy DE: Schwerelos KO: 글라이딩 JA: 滑空 PT/BR: Planando ZH-HANS: 翔空

Talk to all NPCs
I put this not under story-related but I think it almost is. I’m unsure if you have to meet Curry but all the others are story related.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Ambassadrice ES: Embajadora DE: Händeschüttlerin KO: 앰버서더 JA: アンバサダー PT/BR: Embaixadora ZH-HANS: 大外交家

Sensational Entrance
Grab 10 doors with the grappling hook
No worries about this one. I’m pretty sure you’ll open more than 10 with the main story already, but if not for sure with a bunch of the sidequests.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Entrée fracassante ES: Entrada sensacional DE: Wo ein Wille ist KO: 감각적인 데뷔 JA: センセーショナルエントランス PT/BR: Entrada Sensacional ZH-HANS: 堂皇入室

Toad’s-eye View
Stand on the head of the giant Reineto
After you do the quest for Fuscus you can enter the cave. In there, there is a point of interest very high on which requires jumping from mushroom to mushroom. When you reach the top with the radio you’ll unlock this achievement.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Vue de crapaud ES: A vista de sapo DE: Froschperspektive KO: 두꺼비 위에서 JA: カエルの視点 PT/BR: Vista de Rã ZH-HANS: 蛙眼看人间

Suspension Test
Use all springboards
Here is a map where I have marked the springboards I could find when checking again. Under that, you find pictures of those springboards. If I missed any, please let me know!

Achievement name in different languages: FR: Suspensions à l'épreuve ES: Prueba de suspensión DE: Stoßdämpfertest KO: 서스펜션 테스트 JA: サスペンションテスト PT/BR: Teste de Suspensão ZH-HANS: 悬挂测试

Global Recycling
Collect a total of 500 components
You’ll find more than 500 on the map and through quests and sidequests. You can spend them, this is just for collecting them.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Recyclage Total ES: Reciclaje global DE: Recycling-Unternehmerin KO: 재활용 마스터 JA: 大規模なリサイクル PT/BR: Reciclagem Global ZH-HANS: 大规模回收利用

Reveal the whole map
To be able to do this, you have to destroy all the jammers. So the map becomes visible.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Repérage ES: Revelaciones DE: Aufklärerin KO: 위치 찾기 JA: 偵察 PT/BR: Reconhecimento de Terreno ZH-HANS: 侦察

Visit all Cigalo locations
Visit all the locations. Don’t forget to visit the oasis northwest of the map and the area behind the grove that is closed off, which can only be reached by foot.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Exploratrice ES: Exploradora DE: Entdeckerin KO: 탐험가 JA: 探検家 PT/BR: Exploradora ZH-HANS: 探险家

Complete all points of interest
Those are shown on the map, so visit all the ? you see on the map after completely revealing the map.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Complétioniste ES: Al completo DE: Perfektionistin KO: 완료 JA: 完成主義者 PT/BR: Complecionista ZH-HANS: 完美主义者

Community Service
Complete all side quests
Some of those can be blocked off at certain points of the story. However, the game will also inform you if you have quests that will be blocked when continuing with the story. So if you always check that message carefully to see if it says any quests will stop working if you continue, then you’re save.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Service à la communauté ES: Servicio a la comunidad DE: Nachbarschaftshilfe KO: 공동체 봉사 JA: 地域サービス PT/BR: Serviço Comunitário ZH-HANS: 社区服务

New Look
Unlock all van cosmetics
You get those through the main story and the sidequests. I love all the little trinkets that get added to your van.
Achievement name in different languages: FR: Nouveau look ES: Nuevo look DE: Neuer Look KO: 새로운 모습 JA: 最新モデル PT/BR: Novo Visual ZH-HANS: 新造型

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