A wonderful adventure game without fighting but still so much fun and interesting. One of the best games of 2024! The game will take around 12 hours to complete and will warn you if you are approaching a point where you can miss out on stuff.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 12 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: I wrote this guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: Yes, however, the game warns you if you want to continue when you have side quests left that will stop working after that point.
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option, but there also is no fighting within the game
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
I’m so impressed with Caravan Sandwitch. I wasn’t sure what to expect before starting this gem but loved the esthetics. I played through the entire game as quickly as possible as I just couldn’t stop playing! I instantly fell in love with this game and just wanted to keep playing every free hour I had.
The story starts right off the bat, the intro will tell you you got a distress signal from your sister’s spaceship… but she went missing 6 years ago and you all mourned and moved on at some point. However, you can’t let this go… you travel back to your old hometown to search for where the missing signal is coming from. You’ll meet up with the people that still live there and help them out as well along the way. While learning more and more about the past you didn’t know back then because you were only 12 when she went missing.
What I love about Caravan Sandwitch is the music (I added the music from the main menu to my Spotify list) but even more the exploration. There are so many little details to explore. You’ll find components (the things you collect in this game) everywhere, so it is always worth it to just explore every nook and cranny and be rewarded for it. Every place in the game tells you a story about what is going on or what happened there in the past. It is just amazing how much of the story is told in such a natural way. Just by the environment or by what is brought up by the characters, but it never felt like it was forced into a conversation. Did I already mention that I love this game?
I was surprised to see the details your truck has. If someone is riding with you, you’ll literally see them in your car. And if you receive a trinket from a sidequest, you’ll also see that appear on your car. It is also great how smooth the movement with your character as well as with your car feels. And having the option to teleport back to your car and/or teleport back to the main town are such welcome Quality of Life features every game should have!
Another thing that impressed me is how responsive the dev team is. They are so active on social media and on Discord, but also when I brought up through private chat a small bug I found they instantly replied and updated the game. Having tiny bugs in your game can happen, what is important is the response, and if it gets fixed. For both questions, the answer is definitely YES, they listen and they fix. They ask follow-up questions if it isn’t clear. That was just wonderful to see.
It takes around 12 hours to unlock all the achievements. Pick up every component (and those very cute stuffed animals) you see and use every springboard you see, to get those achievements out of the way. Some achievements might be missable but if you read the warning about continuing with the storyline and which sidequests will become unavailable you won’t miss anything. All the other quests will be for the main quests, side quests, and exploring everything on the map.
I really love Caravan Sandwitch so much and I hope so many others will too. In my book, this game is a gem and I hope it will not end up being a hidden gem.
This review for Caravan SandWitch was written on 3 September 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 26 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.