A fun and cute minesweeper game in which you solve puzzles and beat monsters in a rhythm game while going deeper and deeper into the dungeons. It has no missable achievements and takes around 4 hours to complete.
Approximate amount of time to 100%: I estimate it takes around 4 hours since the treasure room is now more frequently appearing
Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: You don’t need a guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: Maybe the one to level up to the maximum level?
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: YNo
RNG-achievements: Yes, finding the treasure room involves luck. However, the developer just increased how much is appears.
Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes, there are 2 achievements thight to difficulty. I would recommend doing them independently and not together at the same time. However, the rest of the game can be played on easy.
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
Dreamsweeper is a fun puzzle game that combines a roguelike minesweeper puzzle with battling monsters through a rhythm game. You’ll keep descending floors to the next puzzle and the next and the next. The type of enemies that walk around are based on which of the 4 worlds you’re playing. You’ll unlock a new world after completing a world, which also opens up endless mode on the previous world. The monsters in later worlds felt harder, but that might also be because their timing is less forgiving than the purple attack the enemies in the first world do.
It feels like the main character walks a little slow, but this seems to be on purpose because you don’t want to set a step too far while working out a puzzle. Another thing that I noticed only very late is that while you can have 3 heads with you, you can only wear one, and that one is which buff you currently have. While typing this.. it makes sense.. it is a hat.. we don’t wear stacks full of heads. However, with the design in the game and the shop selling always 3 heads, it wasn’t so clear to me before.
Dreamsweeper has a bunch of nice achievements. Most of them aren’t hard and you’ll unlock them just for playing the game. There are achievements for playing the puzzles and battles on the highest difficulty. I don’t recommend combining those but just do them one by one. As the battles are way longer and the floors are way bigger in both cases. Finding the treasure room requires some luck. You have a chance to find it each time you change floors. The developer just increased the spawn frequency so it shouldn’t be too hard to find it while going for the rest of the achievements.
I give Dreamsweeper 3 out of 5 stars.
This review for Dreamsweeper was written on 4 August 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 25 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.