Hadley’s Run: A Starship Saga is an awesome roguelite with an amazing art style and intriguing story. It takes around 12 hours to complete the game and none of the achievements is missable.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 12 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10, the most challenging will be doing a complete run without losing health.. gladly you have a shield, so you can be hit just be careful your shield doesn’t break
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: it is a roguelite.. so multiple runs
Is there a good guide available: You don’t need a guide, just talk with everybody in each hub
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: Yes, being able to buy all the upgrades can be a grind. However, the developers recently have increased the amount of trash a boss rewards
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No, you can play on easy and still unlock all the achievements
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
In Hadley’s Run: A Starship Saga you play as Hadley who was just doing a normal boring job while he gets the request to transport a thing from A to B… and while he does that job something goes horribly wrong and Hdley ends up in a different universe/system and seems to be able to revive when dying in this universe. How do you get back home, while in the meantime also saving the world?
What an awesome roguelite in which you farm currency for upgrades while also playing through an intriguing story. I had so much fun playing this game! I love the art style, the story, and how you unlock new weapons and abilities by defeating bosses. The different weapons make feel runs feel different and on top of that also the upgrades you’ll receive during a run can make things feel quite different.
I want to give credit to the devs as they were so incredibly responsive and quit the moment I encountered a bug. The patch for it was live very shortly afterward. Bugs can happen in any game and is part of game dev, what matters is how developers pick up those bugs and if they get fixed. I can say that the things I noticed or had questions about all got picked up. I also got the nice suggestion to change my name to Missi the Bug Huntress, which I highly appreciate and I love the humor ^^.
None of the achievements are missable. There are ones for the story, so talk with every person in every hub. There are also a bunch of achievements for using the different weapons and abilities. The hardest achievement might be to complete a run without losing health. Gladly you have a shield, so you can get hit as long as it doesn’t go past your shield. I was very scared of this achievement but I had no problems getting it after you know the enemies and the bosses. There is also an achievement for getting all the upgrades. This is only for the upgrade menu and not for making portals. I don’t recommend making those cost currency, while using them also costs currency and it makes it so you will skip a part of your run, so earning less currency that run as well. Also, an important thing to keep in mind, when you die you will lose the currency you earned at that level. So if you grind in a specific level, don’t die and think you take the currency with you, progress toward the next area, or exit to the menu. This achievement is quite grindy but I think that it helps a lot that they increased the rewards from the bosses.
I give Hadley’s Run: A Starship Saga 4 out of 5 stars.
This review for Hadley’s Run: A Starship Saga was written on 20 September 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 27 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.