Such a lovely “Where is Waldo?” type of game with such a cute design! It has no missable achievements but one of the achievements is very very grindy and I recommend backing up your save file before buying items in the shop/gacha machine.

Approximate amount of time to 100%: 6 hours with a trick where you back up your save file, otherwise 15 hours or so
Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: You don’t need a guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: Yes, if you don’t back up your save file before buying items and using the gacha machine it is very very grindy!
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option. However, you can use hints without any penalty
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
Ogre Pixel makes such awesome games. I’m such a fan of their previous game A Tiny Sticker Tale. Hidden in my Paradise is another great game with cute artwork. In this game, you have to find items/animals in different environments. You also will have to use those to recreated a few scenes and make a picture of it and finding the hidden fairies. And in each level there are a bunch of hidden chests. The money you receive for solving puzzles can be spend on buying decoration items which you can then use in the level creator to make your own levels. Before you start with buying those items, please read further down below for my tip on why you should backing up your save.
I started each level by looking for chests and checking out the pictures. I started with those because many of the items you need to find will also be used in making those pictures. For those pictures, in most cases, the composition doesn’t matter, as long as it is all in frame (you can zoom in and out with the camera). So I threw them around the same area and made the picture. There were only a few times I had to organize them a little better before the game would recognize all the items were there. While playing through the game you can’t see how many chests each level has but after finishing the game you’ll be able to see that info. Most levels have 3 chests.
I had a wonderful time playing through this game. It looks cute, it was a lot of fun. It was easy to just play a few levels in between other stuff as they are short. But I was also totally fine with playing for a while just because it was addictive.
I only have 2 complaints. The first one is that the controls are a bit of a struggle. The controls for picking something up and move and moving the camera are the same. I hope they will add an option to the game where you can move the camera with WASD or the arrow keys on a keyboard.
And my second complaint is how much money is needed to buy all the items. For a few achievements, you have to buy all the items. However, this doesn’t have to be in one save. Just as long as you have all the items from the shop and gacha machine of a season. After completing the game, I think I should have had enough for 2 seasons if I didn’t buy willy-nilly to begin with but just focus on one at a time. After finishing the game you can keep earning coins, but just 1 coin per animal you click ones in a level ( level 21 and level 22 have a bunch of animals but this is still a lot of work) or with completing levels made by other people, but this felt even more work for less money. The most you’ll just get for completing the normal levels and opening chests. So I did replay the game and then just backed up my save before I started buying everything of one season. After the achievement popped, I would put my old save back and do it for the next season. If I had done it this way from the start, I think the game would take around 5 hours to complete. without backing up my save,m I think I would have to spend a total of 15 hours or so to unlock them all, just because of the slow grind for money after you have completed the game.
The other achievements are for completing the game, finding everything in every level, playing and rating a few levels made by other players. Rating them is important in this case, otherwise, they don’t count for this achievement. And there is an achievement for making your own level and upload it.
I give Hidden in my Paradise 4 out of 5 stars.
This review for Hidden in my Paradise was written on 5 October 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 15 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.