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I commissioned some bees 8 Review

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I commissioned some bees 8

I commissioned some bees 8 is another great game in this series in which you have to find many bees and bee-related items. Completion takes around an hour and it has no missable achievements.


Approximate amount of time to 100%: 1h
Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: You don’t need a guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

I enjoy the puzzle game “I Commissioned Some Bees 8” a lot. There are 10 puzzles, and in each puzzle you have to find a lot of bees and bee-related items.

Bees 8 has amazing artwork, just like the other titles in this series. Something to keep in mind is that this one is more challenging than earlier titles. Some of the puzzles have more “scribbles” all over the artwork which makes it a lot more of a challenge to find the bees. I did enjoy this one a little less than earlier titles because of that. It felt sometimes a bit too much like “find the pixel” then “find the bee”. I still had a lot of fun and it has the hint system that all the games in this series have, so everything is very doable and it is an easy completion, I just hope that the next titles in this series go a bit back to the earlier roots of “clear scribbles of bees”.

I also want to give kudos to the developer for listening to feedback. In earlier titles, I sometimes struggled with the pause button, aka clicking it without the intention of clicking it. In earlier titles, you couldn’t press it a second time to unpause it. That has changed, so now you can just click it a second time and keep going on with finding the bees. So if you notice anything that you struggle with, or would love to see changed, really give it a shot to post it in the steam community so the developer knows about it and maybe can change it for the better.

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This review for I commissioned some bees 8 Review was written on 20 Oktober 2022, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 11 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.

Looking for the other games in this series, click on the bees below to get to the overview:

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