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Islets Review

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Islets is such an awesome 2d Metroidvania. Movement is smooth, the artwork and music in beautiful, and overall just a treat! Completion takes around 15h, the hardest achievements will be in boss rush mode which unlocks after completing the game.


Approximate amount of time to 100%: ~15h
Estimated achievement difficulty: 6/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 playthrough of the main game and at least 2 times boss rush mode
Is there a good guide available: Yes, you can find one here
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: I don’t think the 2 side quests are missable, but in case you see the following upgrades “Something happens in Forgotten Rots” or “Receive a strange letter in your post box”choose those to start the side quests.
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: YNo
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes, for one of the boss rush mode achievements you need to play through boss rush on the hardcore difficulty
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

After I finished and loved Crypt Custodian , I wanted to try out one of Kyle’s earlier games, and a friend of mine has been telling me in the past I really should play Islets. However, I was scared.. scared of those boss rush mode achievements but I decided to give Islets a try because if it would only be half as good as Crypt custodian I would already be in for a treat! (Spoiler: Crypt Custodian is only a fraction better in my opinion, but they are very close. and both so so amazing!)

In Islets, you’re trying to fix those islands that once became one but are not separated again. And it is on you to try and fix that… however, in the first few minutes you already lose your airship, so this might become a challenge. On your journey, you’ll meet some nice (and less nice) npc’s who will help you on your way. Will you be able to fix this land again?

What I love in Kyle’s games is how the movement feels so smooth. Which is a very important part in a Metroidvania game. Also, the upgrades are not always the standard ones you expect there to be in a Metroidvania. It is just such a joy to jump around and get all the collectibles, finding all the hidden secrets.

And if that wasn’t already such a huge selling point… Have you seen the screenshots? This game looks beautiful. I love the art style and the cute characters. Kyle’s brother makes the music for his games and also does such an amazing job! The two of them are so talented and playing through their games is just a treat.

Most of the achievements in Islets are what you expect to be there in a Metroidvania. Collect everything, upgrade everything, find all the secrets. And to make those things easier, you can buy markers which will mark secrets on your map. so you will not have to walk around endlessly finding that ladt hidden items. You can play the main story on easy if you want to without missing out on the achievements.

The most challenging achievements are finishing boss rush mode on hardcore and finishing boss rush mode without dying. I don’t recommend combining those 2. I did hardcore first so I got more experience with the bosses and that made them on easy so much easier. There are no tricks to get through hardcore mode except learning the bosses their patterns. This took me 3 hours or so, but I know some do it in an hour. And then there is a boss rush mode without dying. This can be done on easy and you can back up your save and/or if you are close to dying, report to a savepoint, and start that boss fight again.

I give Islets 4 out of 5 stars.

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Kyle Thompson

This review for Islets was written on 2 September 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 44 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.

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