Table of Contents
General Tips
Welcome to this guide!
You don’t need this guide, as there are no missable achievements and you can go back into levels and mop them up. Feel free to just read my general tips and then play through the game before coming back to this guide.
Here are some general tips:
– There is a toggle button for flying instead of holding it down. I highly recommend using that option as you can get crampy hands after a while if you have to hold down the right trigger button all the time.
– Every time you start the game, spend a bit of time pooping on the main menu to help get closer towards the Poop Master achievement.
– Do all the quests in each level and try the race a few times to maybe already get the gold medal for most of them. Keep in mind that you can turn the requirements for races to easy if you don’t enjoy the challenge.
With those tips, you should easily get the maximum 150 points in each level and have unlocked over half of the cosmetics. If you didn’t or saw this guide later, gladly you can easily see in the overworld which level you have completed and which not.
Levels & their achievements
In this section you’ll find each level, the cosmetics you can get there as well as the level specific achievements.
Finds: Elfish Cap, Flower Crown
Rewards: Mushroom Hat

Find the Princess
We’re all mad here…
You will find the princess in the tutorial area, close to the end of the tutorial.
Wake up the Elf Boi
World ain’t gonna save itself.
Opposite side of the princess you’ll find a house where you can fly into Link to wake him up.
Overworld Map
Finds: Party Hat, Antlers, Elephant Hat, Captain’s Hat, Leprechaun Hat, Shark Hat, Toy Winder (Only unlockable later on in the game),
Rewards: X

Quaint Town
Finds: Bunny Ears, Firefighter Hat
Rewards: Samurai Hat, Kitsune

Quaint Town
Reach the Quaint Town
Just start the first level after the tutorial.
Blown Away
Blow away all the briefcase guys
Close to the start you find a leaf blower on a roof. Use it on all the guys with a briefcase. I believe I counted around 9 of them.
The Pyramids!
Finds: Santa Hat, Pyramid
Rewards: Pharaoh Hat, Chicken Skin

Reach the Pyramids
Unlocking when entering the Pyramids level.
Goat Herder
Get Goats to punt 20 hoomans
To unlock this do the quest with the goats in the Pyramid level and waiting a little.
The Camp
Finds: Froggie, Scary Mask
Rewards: Cowboy Hat, Witch Hat

Reach the Camp
Unlocks when entering the camp level.
Ain’t afraid of no ghosts
Destroy all nightmare creatures on Camp
Most of them you’ll destroy already for the quests, but after you finish the quest with the house.. destroy the quest giver as well.
Edgar Allen Crow
Finds: Melon Hat, Crowthulhu
Rewards: Devil horns, Ghost Skin

Reach Edgar’s Mansion
Unlocks when entering the mansion level.
Break all the pots in Edgar’s mansion
There is a room with a kettle and a lot of pots to break. I mostly used the leaf blower to destroy them.
Finds: Detective Hat, Chef’s Hat
Rewards: Beret, Mime Skin

Reach the Riviera
Unlocks when entering the Riviera level.
Paint 1,000 blobs in the Riviera
You’ll most likely get this while doing the quest of drawing the line. With how far I was with the line before I got this achievement.. I think it is almost impossible to miss out on this achievement as long as you’re doing that specific quest.
Finds: Plague Doctor Mask
Rewards: Crown, Jester Hat, Knight Helmet

Reach the Fantasy
Unlocks when entering the Fantasy level.
Cat Person
Achieve Cat Victory in the Fantasy realm
Doing all the quests for the cats results in this ending.
Dog Person
Achieve Dog victory in the Fantasy realm
Doing all the quests for the dogs results in this ending.
Restore peace in the fantasy realm
I did switched between a cat and a dog quest for this one, but I can imagine it already being good enough to just do 2 cat quests and 2 dog quests.
Craft World
Finds: Umbrella Hat
Rewards: Cloudy Hat, Puppet Skin

Craft World
Reach the Craft World
Unlocks when entering the Craft World level.
Rain on Your Parade
Rain on 20 hoomans on craft world
Aaahh I giggled way too loud when entering this level already, but this part made it even better! Save Cloudy and rain on 20 humans.
Finds: Pink Flamingo
Rewards: Astronaut Helmet, Alien Skin

Reach the Moon
Unlocks when entering the Moon level.
Somewhat of a scientist
Find all the hidden minerals on Moon
This is a quest in the Moon level.
The Big Apple
Finds: Top Hat, Pinwheel Hat
Rewards: Baseball Hat, Pigeon Skin

Big Apple
Reach the Big Apple
Unlocks when entering the Big Apple level.
Wing Waker
Finds: Pirate Hat
Rewards: Hornet Helm, Parrot Skin

Wing Waker
Reach the open seas.
Unlocks when entering the Wing Waker level.
Help someone who lost their coins
This is a quest on the island with the egg.
Finds: X
Rewards: Halo

Almost There!
Reach the finale
Unlocks when entering the Finale level.
Finds: Winter Hat, Unicorn Hat, Cardboard Skin
Rewards: X

Dev Hater
Poop on the developers
You can do this in the credits.
General achievements
Minimum Effort
You did the bare minimum!
Start the game.
Home Run
Punt 100 hoomans
Hit 100 people with a baseball bat. Easiest done in the Big Apple level.
Master Pooper
Poop 10,000 times
This takes quite a bit. I recommend that each time you start or close the game, to poop for a little time in the main menu. In that screen, you don’t need to eat to be able to poop and you’ll be there when starting the game anyways.
Race Bird
Win all races
This counts for just doing them within the time limit, you don’t have to reach the gold time.
I am Speed
Win 1st place in all races
For this one, you have to reach the gold medal time. Keep in mind that you can change the difficulty of the races in the settings. I found the races where you also had to poop on specific targets the most challenging. When moving over the levels in level select, you can see where you don’t have all gold medals.
Coolest Bird in Town
Beat the game
This unlocks when you enter the “FIN” level.
Beat all the levels
Unlocked when you completed all levels.
Spawn 100 items in Sandbox mode
Sandbox Mode unlocks after you finish the game. I Spawned “coffee” as it was easy (press left, press A on an Xbox controller) and it gave me a stash to also work toward the Master Pooper achievement.
Talk to the bread at 3 different occasions
– Quaint Town: Southwest on top of a roof.
– Riviera: On a roof just to the right of a sitting area of a restaurant, north of the end level thingy.
– The Big Apple: Each of the map on a roof again.
Hat collector
Find all hats
The following list is ordered in the way the game lists them:
Hornet Helm – Reward from the Wing Waker level
Bunny Ears – Laying around in Quaint Town
Flower Crown – Meeting the Princess in the Tutorial
Santa Hat – Laying around in the Pyramid level
Elfish Cap – Meeting the elf Boi in the Tutorial
Firefighter Hat – Laying around in Quaint Town
Pharaoh Hat – Reward from the Pyramid level
Samurai Hat – Reward from the Quaint Town level
Cowboy Hat – Reward from the Camp level
Witch Hat – Reward from the Camp level
Astronaut Helmet – Reward from the Moon level
Baseball Hat – Reward from the Big Apple level
Crown – Reward for the Cat victory in the Fantasy Realm level
Top Hat – Laying around in the Big Apple level
Detective Hat – Laying around in the Riviera level
Devil horns – Reward from Edgar Allen Crow level
Halo – Reward for Finishing the Finale level
Pinwheel Hat – Laying around in the Big Apple level
Pink Flamingo – Laying around in the Moon level
Beret – Reward from Riviera level
Knight Helmet – Reward for the piece victory in the fantasy realm level
Melon Hat – Laying around in Edgar Allen Crow level
Mushroom Hat – Reward from the Tutorial level
Pirate Hat – Laying around in the wing Waker level
Chef’s Hat – Reward from the croissant quest in the Riviera level
Jester Hat – Reward for the dog victory in the Fantasy Realm level
Cloudy Hat – Rward from the Craft World level
Umbrella Hat – Laying around in the Craft World level
Pyramid – Laying around in the Pyramid level
Traffic Cone Hat – on the Overworld map, pick up a traffic cone and the hat will drop. (Thanks Tasselfoot and Tiny Valkyrie
Leprechaun Hat – In the Overworld map, pick up the chests found by the rainbow and drop it around the sharks
Winter Hat – Burn the box in the Credits
Captain’s Hat – Laying around in the Overworld map
Party Hat – Laying around in the Overworld map
Toy Winder – In the overworld map, after unlocking the Craft World level, turn around the winder left of it.
Antlers – Give the deer in the Overworld map a fish
Elephant Hat – Laying around in Overworld map
Unicorn Hat – Laying around in the Credits
Shark Hat – Picking up a shark from the Overworld map (Thank you Toddles for this one)
Crowthulhu – Laying around in Edgar Allen Crow level
Froggie – Laying around in the Camp level
Scary Mask – Laying around in the Camp level
Kitsune – Reward from the Quaint Town level
Plague Doctor Mask – Reward for the mushroom quest in the Fantasy Realm level
Backpack – You start the game with this “hat”
Skins Collector
Find all Skins
Alien – Reward from the Moon level
Cardboard – Can be found in the Credits level
Chicken – Reward from the Pyramid level
Ghost – Reward from the Edgar Allen Crow level
Mime – Reward from Riviera level
Parrot – Reward from the Wing Waker level
Pigeon – Reward from the Big Apple level
Puppet – Reward from Craft World level
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