Table of Contents
Welcome to this achievement guide.
Kamaeru has no missable achievements. There are 1 a 2 grindy ones. One is for sleeping 20 times. You can only sleep during the evening so this can be grindy if you don’t start with it right away. The other one is for completing the Frogedex.
General Tips:
- Sleep every time it is possible because the achievement for sleep 20 times takes quite a while and you can only sleep during the evening and night.
- Many items have a maximum amount in your inventory. For example, the items produced by crops have a maximum of 150, and the fireflies have a maximum of 10. Keep this in mind so you use them/trade them in from time to time.
- To add a frog to your Frogedex, you have to take a picture of it (Shortcut C on keyboard) or tame it. Tame it will help in the long run when you have to fill the whole Frogedex and then you can use your tamed frogs to breed other color combinations.
- You will need a lot of money at the end for the last few achievements. So keep harvesting crops and produce goods to sell them for money.
Struggling with breeding the right frogs? Here is a breeding guide written by Tasselfoot.
Since none of the achievements is missable, you won’t need this guide at the start and can just look up things you’re struggling with later on. So just enjoy the game and have a lot of fun and come back when you’re just looking up specific questions.
New Horizons
Discover the Billabong.
This is an area that will unlock later in the game. Just follow the main questline and you’ll unlock.
Mangrove magic
Discover the Mangrove.
This is an area that will unlock later in the game. Just follow the main questline and you’ll unlock.
Helping Hand
Collect 500 bugs using a helper.
On each farm, you’ll have 2 helpers that will unlock when you finish quests there. Let them catch the insects you don’t see that much yourself. The achievement has a counter on Steam, so you can see how far you’re.
Collector of Bugs
Catch 500 bugs in the wetlands.
I’m unsure if this only counts for insects caught in the Wetlands, but I guess it is based on the description. Just keep catching insects to unlock this. This achievement also has a counter on Steam so you can see how far you are.
Shine Bright
Catch 50 fireflies.
There is a quest with fireflies very late in the story, from that moment on you can catch fireflies during the evenings and nights. Keep in mind that you can only have a maximum of 10 fireflies in your inventory. so you have to deliver them before you can continue with catching them. You get very cute items from trading them in!
Cult of the land
Buy all available space in the refuge.
There are 2 spaces not available at the start of the game. Each of those costs 1500 coins. Buy both of them to unlock this achievement.
Furniture mania
Buy all furniture blueprints from Djena.
There are 2 or 3 quests for Djena before most of the furniture is available to buy. the last 2 aren’t part of the quests but get unlocked by talking with Djena and talking with Jen (Billabong)
Friend of dogs
Pet the dog.
You’ll find the dog in Billabong.
Sleepy Frog
Sleep 20 times.
This achievement takes such a long time. I almost finished the game before this unlocked.. I began to doubt if it worked but then it unlocked. What makes this achievement long is that you can’t sleep during the day, but only in the evening/night. and every in-game hour is a minute irl. So start very early on working toward this achievement, as this alone takes already 5 hours.
Pond Manager
Dig your first 20 ponds.
This achievement will come with time, as you’ll dig more than 20 ponds.
Green Thumb
Plant at least 60 crops.
This achievement will come with time, as you’ll plant more than 60 crops.
Biodiversity Champion
Achieve 100% bioscore in a wetland biome.
This can be a challenge because of the space. I unlocked it by having 31 ponds and 31x all 3 flowers. Combining ponds to megaponds helps with the space. i recommend first placing the ponds (With some space at the top and bottom to plant the crops) and after you have 31 of those, then add the plants.
Producing and Photos
Picture Frenzy
Fill your album.
When you start making pictures (C is the shortcut for the camera BTW) you can choose to save them also in your Album. Do this until this achievement pops.
Marmelade Addict
Cook 100 wetland jam jars.
This is done in the Wetlands. Each jam takes 6 berries. Keep in mind you can only hold 150 berries in your inventory at once, so make them as soon as you get close to 150 berries.
Sticky Business
Produce 50 honey jars.
This is done with the beehive. I recommend building a few of them as it is a good way to make money as well. since a beehive only costs 100 gold and a jar of honey sells for 33 gold. the beehive unlocks with a quest in the Wetlands, but you can place them everywhere.
T-shirt contest
Make 100 shirts.
T-shirts can be produced in the Mangrove. Keep the 150 maximum stack of the items in mind again.
Flower Power
Place 20 flower baskets.
This is also in the Mangrove. Pick up 4 flowers and you can make a flower basket. You need to make 6 for a quest, so make 14 more after that.
Frog Star
Take 20 top rated frog pictures.
Late in the story, a quest with Jen will teach you that you can make 3-star pictures with 2 specific pieces of furniture and a specific frog. Take the required furniture to the area of that frog and capture a picture. you don’t have to save it. After you do it correctly, you’ll receive some new furniture and a new requirement for a 3-star photo. do this 20 times to unlock the achievement.

The frog lover
Get at least 20 frogs of each species.
For this achievement, you need to tame 20 frogs of each type. This means feeding them. I would recommend going for more than just 20 but as many as possible, as this will help you out with the breeding process later on. If it doesn’t show hearts above its head, it means you haven’t tamed it yet.
Victulus 50%
Get half of all Victulus frogs in your Frogedex.
This can be done without breeding any frogs. Just feed any you see. If you see lines above its head, you don’t have it in your Frogedex yet, you can just make a picture to add it. However, I would recommend feeding as many as possible so breeding later on is easier.
Doblex 50%
Get half of all Doblex frogs in your Frogedex.
This can be done without breeding any frogs. Just feed any you see. If you see lines above its head, you don’t have it in your Frogedex yet, you can just make a picture to add it. However, I would recommend feeding as many as possible so breeding later on is easier.
Zebra 50%
Get half of all Zebra frogs in your Frogedex.
This can be done without breeding any frogs. Just feed any you see. If you see lines above its head, you don’t have it in your Frogedex yet, you can just make a picture to add it. However, I would recommend feeding as many as possible so breeding later on is easier.
Leopard 50%
Get half of all Leopard frogs in your Frogedex.
This can be done without breeding any frogs. Just feed any you see. If you see lines above its head, you don’t have it in your Frogedex yet, you can just make a picture to add it. However, I would recommend feeding as many as possible so breeding later on is easier.
Smoky 50%
Get half of all Smoky frogs in your Frogedex.
This can be done without breeding any frogs. Just feed any you see. If you see lines above its head, you don’t have it in your Frogedex yet, you can just make a picture to add it. However, I would recommend feeding as many as possible so breeding later on is easier.
Sparkly 50%
Get half of all Sparkly frogs in your Frogedex.
This can be done without breeding any frogs. Just feed any you see. If you see lines above its head, you don’t have it in your Frogedex yet, you can just make a picture to add it. However, I would recommend feeding as many as possible so breeding later on is easier.
Linea 50%
Get half of all Linea frogs in your Frogedex.
This can be done without breeding any frogs. Just feed any you see. If you see lines above its head, you don’t have it in your Frogedex yet, you can just make a picture to add it. However, I would recommend feeding as many as possible so breeding later on is easier.
Zarafa 50%
Get half of all Zarafa frogs in your Frogedex.
This can be done without breeding any frogs. Just feed any you see. If you see lines above its head, you don’t have it in your Frogedex yet, you can just make a picture to add it. However, I would recommend feeding as many as possible so breeding later on is easier.
Imperator Ranarum
Get all available frogs.
you don’t need to tame them all, just have a picture of them or tame them. 70% or so you can find in the wild. However, the Blush and Cookie variants need to be created through the breeding process. My strategy: try to make a Brown/Brown one and a Blush/Blush one and then breed with another frog that has just one color so you have the most control over what type of frog will come from it. The first color you create during the breeding process is the main color and the second color is for the details on the frog.
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