LIBERATED is an amazing 2D Shooter/Action game with an immersive & intense story. It has one very annoying achievement, please see my full review for details, otherwise amazing game. Takes around 6h to complete.
Approximate amount of time to 100%: 6h
Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10 for most of the game, 8/10 for the achievement “Barry”
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1, there is chapter selection, but each chapter takes around 50 to 60 minutes to play through
Is there a good guide available: There is a guide in Russian here , if you struggle with an achievement it can help, but most achievements are easy to figure out
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: Yes, but there is chapter selection. The achievement “Hacker” is one to focus on from the beginning, that one is hard to track where you did go wrong. I’ll explain more below.
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: Yes, but the achievements for Issue 5 and Issue 6 you can get with the 2 free DLC (For the Homeland & Glory to the Heroes)
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: Yes, I would call Barry a RNG-achievement because of the absurd timer on the 4th QTE event
Does difficulty affect achievements: No, you can play on the easiest difficulty
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
LIBERATED is an amazing 2D Shooter/Action game. The story is very immersive and after each chapter in the main game, I needed a little bit of breathing time before I could continue, it is so heavy but in a good way. The world in this game is very dark and all the chapters in the main game end on a very intense cliff-hanger.
I had a lot of fun playing LIBERATED, even when it was so intense. I would rate it very high but 1 achievement is very annoying and so, for me, that knocks it down a little bit. The achievement; “Barry” asks you to complete the QTE at the end of chapter 1 without making any mistake, while the timer to push the correct button is insanely crazy. To make things worse is that it directly affects the game saves and if you don’t want to use the trick to copy and paste your save file before you begin this event, you’ll have to play chapter 1 from the beginning to have a new chance at it.
I may suck at this type of mini-game but I needed around 30 tries before I was able to get the achievement, you can imagine how worse it would be if I had to replay all of chapter 1 (which takes around 30 to 40 minutes to replay when skipping all the scenes as quickly as possible) all that time. The length of time the logos of the developer and publisher are on screen when starting the game already drove me a bit insane, when trying to get this last achievement. The cutscene after you finally do win this QTE mini-game, makes it even worse.
Another achievement that would be wise to keep an eye out for is the one in which you have to finish all 7 mini-games in the main story in under 90 seconds. Most of the time I took my time trying to understand it and get as close as possible to the solutions before resetting to the last save point to be able to do it in time. This doesn’t work with the “mastermind” mini-game, which is more based on how quickly you find the right numbers.
Perhaps this sounds more like a rant, which isn’t meant to come across that way. I did really enjoy Liberated a lot and didn’t have any problems with the hacker achievements, it is just that I did go for that “Barry” achievement as my last achievement, which turned out to be so horrible to obtain. It tastes a bit sour to have that as an ending to what is essentially, such a great game otherwise.
This review for LIBERATED is written on 25 September 2020 based on the Steam version which has 18 achievement when I write this review. The information can be outdated when developers add or remove achievements.