Love, Ghostie is a game that oozes humor and love. So many details and so well done. Be a ghostie matchmaker for the residents in your house. Completion takes around 5,5 hours, it has missable achievements.
Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 5,5 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1,1 as at least one entry of Deaddit happens around the beginning of New Game+
Is there a good guide available: I wrote this achievement guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: Yes, you have to buy all the upgrades in one playthrough. I also recommend discovering all the tags before moving residents out.
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty setting
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
Love, Ghostie is a game full of humor and cuteness. You play as Ghostie (Who gave you that name? Did you already have it while you were still alive? And if so did they know you would become a ghost?) who recently died. You have the task of being the matchmaker in a (not yet so big) manor where different people will move in.
The residents in your house cannot know you’re there, so how does this matchmaking works? There is a chore board in the kitchen where you can sign up who goes on a date, who takes time for themself, and who does the daily house chore. going on a date increases the friendship/love between the 2 people on that date while taking time for yourself increases your happiness. The chore tasks will increase the friendship with everybody in the house by a little. All those tasks have different tags and this will determine how successful/fun the activity for the people will be. Not only do you sign people up for chores, but you can also steal items from the house and gift them to the residents while faking it is from one of the other residents. You will also unlock mini-games later on, one of them is to scam scammers to earn money that way.
I’m not a person who enjoys visual novels in general, however Love, Ghostie is just so funny. It already starts with the tutorial and the witty mentor who teaches you the ropes of matchmaking. You can also always go to the Deaddit forum to read back on how something works. The reactions on this forum, the quests asks and just everything…. it is so so funny, including the person who sees a conspiracy in everything, the fan girl, and the banned people/messages. The moderators on Deaddit are very strict and don’t joke around!
What I also thought was amazing is how the rooms and the house changes with how happy the people in the house are. At first, when they move in the rooms are quite empty, but they will fill it up and the gifts you give them will also be shown in their room for as long as they stay. Another awesome thing is how well-rounded and designed the characters are, they have so much personality. they don’t only lean on their most typical stereotypical personality, but have so many things they like and don’t like or do not care for. This makes it also possible to matchmake with everyone, or at least almost everyone as they always will have some overlap in interest with the other characters.
The achievements in Love, Ghostie are very nice and chill. It has a missable achievement as your upgrades get lost in New Game+. If you want to go for 100% I highly recommend not moving out people the moment you get that chance, as you kinda want to keep them around to build their friendship/love with the other people to be able to buy all the upgrades in one playthrough. There is also an achievement for discovering all their tags (likes and dislikes), so I would also only recommend moving them out if you discovered all of their tags (through dates, chores, and gifts). However their tags will carry over to New Game+, so missing out on those isn’t the worst, but will mean you have to play through all of their love stories again. In the guide linked above I have more tips and an explanation for each achievement.
I give Love, Ghostie 4.5 out of 5 stars.
This review for Love, Ghostie was written on 13 August 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 33 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.