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Mail Time Review

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Mail time

Mail Time is such a wholesome and cute adventure game with an awesome message and funny punchlines. Completion takes around 4h and it has no missable achievements.


Approximate amount of time to 100%: 4h
Estimated achievement difficulty: 1/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: No, but you don’t need a guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No, since the new patch the game has no missable achievements anymore.
Grinding Achievements: Not really, the 15-minute gliding feels a bit long but easily doable
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: Only 1 that is for delivering mail within 30 seconds, but can be easily done at the start of the game or later on when going from the “upstairs neighbors” back to the person you originally came from, as it is just a jump down
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No unobtainable achievements anymore after the patch that released June 2023

In Mail Time you play as a mail scout on their first job. Before you start you get quite some options for designing your main character, which was already so sweet. And when the game starts you’re very soon on your way to delivering your first mail. The game drips with humor and cuteness right from the start! I loved to just go to high places to just look around this beautiful world, as well as to glide down.

Mail Time is an adventure game that doesn’t give you any time limit, you can just enjoy the game, take your time to look around, and explore the woods. So it is stress-free, which is a bonus in wholesome games. You have to deliver mail to multiple animals that live here.. and maybe not only mail but also some other stuff. You’ll get to know the animals and their storyline even in the short interactions you’ll have with them. I would recommend reading the dialog, as it is full of funny punchlines and asking questions of general conceptions. And I won’t spoil the story but let me tell you that it has an important and wholesome message. So play Mail time and get soaked in cuteness and wholesomeness!

Mail Time has a very nice achievement list, and it comes down to just completing everything there is. You can go back after finishing the game. This changed in a patch that got released in June 2023. This makes that probably only one missable is delivering a mail under 30 seconds, but since this can be done right at the start of the game, I would not call this a missable achievement.

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Kela van der Deijl

This review for Mail Time was written on 28 April 2023, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 23 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.

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