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Mini Motorways Review

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Mini Motorways

Mini Motorways is a very fun and addictive but challenging game to complete. Getting a score of 2k on every map is challenging. I wish I could turn off the background sound and keep the sounds of spawns/timers.


Approximate amount of time to 100%: 10h+ (if you’re as bad as me it will take many many more hours)
Estimated achievement difficulty: 8/10
Is there a good guide available: There are a few guides with helpful tips on the steam community
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: Not really, I guess that you would have all the grindy ones before you beat every city with at least 2k deliveries.
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: Yes, you need to post 14 daily challenge scores and 4 weekly challenge scores, both of those don’t have to be consecutive
RNG-achievements: Yes, you can try to control the spawn as much as possible, but sometimes it is just bad luck where the houses and the stores pop up
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty option
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

Mini Motorways is a lovely and addictive game but the achievements are very very challenging in my opinion. I’ll mention right after this that I suck at this type of game and that I’m already proud of myself to get 2 of the 11 achievements where you need to score 2k deliveries on a specific map. For others, this might be less challenging, but I found the 1k achievements for those sometimes already a bit of a struggle, let alone the 2k ones! I think this title is a little easier to complete all the achievements for than its predecessor “Mini Metro”. Keep in mind that even while I suck at this game I really do enjoy playing it and I think I’ll keep trying to maybe… maybe one day to have all the achievements.

The only thing that I missed is some options, especially for the sounds. I would love to be able to turn off the kind of high beep background sounds that is there all the time but still being able to hear the spawn of houses and stores and timers for the week or when a store is going to bust. That would also make it easier to not miss the spawn of a store which sometimes happened to me in all the chaos. That background noise also gets annoying the longer you play the game since it is the same sound constant all the time. You don’t have the option to turn this off, you can only choose to have all the sounds on or all of them off, which makes the game really hard when you don’t even hear the spawns.

What I do love is that the option has a night vision option, those colors are much easier on the eyes than the normal pallet of colors. There are also options for color blindness and if you want to have to press a button to draw lines or always being able to draw.



This review for Mini Motorways was written on 22 July 2021, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 70 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.

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