Table of Contents
Welcome to my Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island guide.
This guide will mostly highlight how to unlock the achievements, but will also give some information about some game mechanics and which mementos are for who. Keep in mind that this guide will contain SPOILERS!
In general, you won’t need this guide to unlock all the achievements. Most of the achievements aren’t missable and you will unlock them by playing through the game. There is also a point in the game where you will go through the ending, and you won’t be able to go back. However, the game literally tells you this and advises you to save before this.
Overall tip: pick up a lot of fruit for the 500 fruit achievement.
I hope you are enjoying Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island. If you do, don’t forget to review the game. This helps out the developers/publishers a lot!
Hermes – Messenger of the Gods
God: Hermes – Messenger of the Gods
Task: Feeding the birds
The reward for fruit: Keys that unlock fast travel
Every god in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island has a task for you the first time you meet them. You can only do this a few times before you run out of power/resources and when you get back to them they ask you to find items for them they lost. On the map you can see areas flashing, these are the locations the mementos will be hidden and when you’re close to it you will hear beeps and see how close you are at the top left of your screen. Some mementos are on small islands you will not be able to reach at the beginning of the game, so you can fetch those until further into the game. When you give the mementos back to the gods they will give you the power to do their tasks again. You do this cycle a total of 3 times for each god.
The following achievements are tide to this god:
House Guest
Visit an Islander’s Home for the First Time
Hermes house opens up when you reach friendship level one. After you feed 4 birds and find 2 mementos.
The Birds
Feed all of the Island Gulls
Feed all the birds. You can find those spots easily by checking for the bird symbol on your map.
Open Sesame
Open all the Fast Travel Doors
After you get to friends level 1 with Hermes, he will sell you keys for Ambrosia fruit. Those will open doors and allow for fast travel.
Fast Tracked
Use the Fast Travel Portals 10 Times
Use the fast travel system 10 times.
Zeus & Hera – Royalty of the Gods
God: Zeus & Hera – Royalty of the Gods
Task: Fixing string of light
The reward for fruit: Cassette Tapes
Every god in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island has a task for you the first time you meet them. You can only do this a few times before you run out of power/resources and when you get back to them they ask you to find items for them they lost. On the map you can see areas flashing, these are the locations the mementos will be hidden and when you’re close to it you will hear beeps and see how close you are at the top left of your screen. Some mementos are on small islands you will not be able to reach at the beginning of the game, so you can fetch those until further into the game. When you give the mementos back to the gods they will give you the power to do their tasks again. You do this cycle a total of 3 times for each god.
The following achievements are tide to this god:
Light Bringer
Charge all of the Island’s Power Slabs
Fix the power for the lightning strings on the island. You can find those easily on the map for checking for the stone with the lightning symbol on it.
Music Lover
Collect all Music Cassettes
Zeus & Hera will sell you a bunch of cassette tapes after getting to friends level 1 with them. You can also find a cassette tape in each of the gods’ houses and I believe I found one in a chill spot close to Hermes.
Aphrodite – God of Love
God: Aphrodite – God of Love
Task: Cleaning mosaics
The reward for fruit: Statues of each god you have met
Every god in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island has a task for you the first time you meet them. You can only do this a few times before you run out of power/resources and when you get back to them they ask you to find items for them they lost. On the map you can see areas flashing, these are the locations the mementos will be hidden and when you’re close to it you will hear beeps and see how close you are at the top left of your screen. Some mementos are on small islands you will not be able to reach at the beginning of the game, so you can fetch those until further into the game. When you give the mementos back to the gods they will give you the power to do their tasks again. You do this cycle a total of 3 times for each god.
The following achievements are tide to this god:
Art Appreciator
Restore the Island Mosiacs
You will find mosaics on the island with sand over them but also with moss over them. At first you can only clean those with sand and from friendship level 1 you also get the option to clean the ones with moss over it. You can find them easily on the map by checking for the 3×3 symbol on the map.
Restore all the Atrium Statues
After reaching friendship level 1 with Aphrodite, you can buy statues with ambrosia fruit. You can only buy the statues of gods you have met. Those statues will be placed just outside the area where Zeus & Hera are during the day.
Hephaestus – God of Invention
God: Hephaestus – God of Invention
Task: Fix the windturbines
The reward for fruit: Furniture for the lighthouse
Every god in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island has a task for you the first time you meet them. You can only do this a few times before you run out of power/resources and when you get back to them they ask you to find items for them they lost. On the map you can see areas flashing, these are the locations the mementos will be hidden and when you’re close to it you will hear beeps and see how close you are at the top left of your screen. Some mementos are on small islands you will not be able to reach at the beginning of the game, so you can fetch those until further into the game. When you give the mementos back to the gods they will give you the power to do their tasks again. You do this cycle a total of 3 times for each god.
The following achievements are tide to this god:
Wind Power
Restore the Island’s Wind Turbines
For Hephaestus you have to fix wind turbines. A few are placed on the island. However, a lot of them are on the small islands you can’t reach at first and need an ability you will get later on. You can find the wind turbines on your map by looking for this wind turbine symbol.
Home Improvements
Acquire all of Hephaestus’ Furniture
After reaching friend level 1 with Hephaestus, you can buy furniture from him for your lighthouse.
Ares – God of War
God: Ares – God of War
Task: fixing the Amazon statues
The reward for fruit: Plots where you can grow Ambrosia Fruit
Every god in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island has a task for you the first time you meet them. You can only do this a few times before you run out of power/resources and when you get back to them they ask you to find items for them they lost. On the map you can see areas flashing, these are the locations the mementos will be hidden and when you’re close to it you will hear beeps and see how close you are at the top left of your screen. Some mementos are on small islands you will not be able to reach at the beginning of the game, so you can fetch those until further into the game. When you give the mementos back to the gods they will give you the power to do their tasks again. You do this cycle a total of 3 times for each god.
The following achievements are tide to this god:
Weapon Detective
Arm the Amazon Warriors
Pick up the weapons close to Ares’s house and bring them to the right statue. After you’ve done this two cycles, you need to put a few ambrosia fruit next to the statues for the last friendship level. The statues have the shield symbol on the map.
Green Fingers
Harvest Your First Fruit Crop
After you reach friendship level 1 with Ares you can buy plots for 100 fruit each. I highly recommend saving up to do this as quickly as possible as it allows you to get fruit more easily. If you need fruit after you bought plots, you can just plant fruit and sleep for a day or 2 close to the plots to be able to harvest them.
Athena – God of Wisdom
God: Athena – God of Wisdom
Task: Desipher columns with ancient text
The reward for fruit: Books with lore
Every god in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island has a task for you the first time you meet them. You can only do this a few times before you run out of power/resources and when you get back to them they ask you to find items for them they lost. On the map you can see areas flashing, these are the locations the mementos will be hidden and when you’re close to it you will hear beeps and see how close you are at the top left of your screen. Some mementos are on small islands you will not be able to reach at the beginning of the game, so you can fetch those until further into the game. When you give the mementos back to the gods they will give you the power to do their tasks again. You do this cycle a total of 3 times for each god.
The following achievements are tide to this god:
History Buff
Translate all the Ancient Lore columns
For the first friendship level you have to check all the columns with the blue stone above them, for the second the one with the yellow stone and for the last friendship level the one with the red stone. You can find their location by checking for this tower (or hamburger :P) symbol on the map.
Poseidon – God of the Sea
God: Poseidon – God of the Sea
Task: Fixing fountains
The reward for fruit: Mementos for the other gods
Every god in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island has a task for you the first time you meet them. You can only do this a few times before you run out of power/resources and when you get back to them they ask you to find items for them they lost. On the map you can see areas flashing, these are the locations the mementos will be hidden and when you’re close to it you will hear beeps and see how close you are at the top left of your screen. Some mementos are on small islands you will not be able to reach at the beginning of the game, so you can fetch those until further into the game. When you give the mementos back to the gods they will give you the power to do their tasks again. You do this cycle a total of 3 times for each god.
The following achievements are tide to this god:
Water Walker
Reach an Offshore Island
When you reach friendship level 1 with Poseidon you will get the ability to reach the small islands outside of the main island. Go to such an island to unlock this.
Let It Flow
Resotre the Island’s Dry Fountains
Restore the fountains on the island. you can find them by checking for this fish symbol on your map.
Hades – God of Death
God: Hades – God of Death
Task: Guiding ghosts to the underworld
The reward for fruit: The locations of the hidden treasures
Every god in Mythwrecked: Ambrosia Island has a task for you the first time you meet them. You can only do this a few times before you run out of power/resources and when you get back to them they ask you to find items for them they lost. On the map you can see areas flashing, these are the locations the mementos will be hidden and when you’re close to it you will hear beeps and see how close you are at the top left of your screen. Some mementos are on small islands you will not be able to reach at the beginning of the game, so you can fetch those until further into the game. When you give the mementos back to the gods they will give you the power to do their tasks again. You do this cycle a total of 3 times for each god.
The following achievements are tide to this god:
Ghost Whisperer
Guide all the Wayward Ghosts to the Underworld
Go to the ghosts to guide them to the underworld. They will only appear during the evening and night. You can find them on the map by checking for the ghost symbol.
Souvenir Seeker
Find all the Hidden Treasure
After you reach friendship level 1 with Hades you can buy clues for hidden treasures. After that, you find hidden treasures in the houses of the other gods. they are marked inside the house by a small white paper with a red cross on it. interact with those to unlock the treasure and then get the treasure itself.
Other story related achievements
The following achievements are still tight to the story but not by a specific god:
Warn Welcome
Visit 4 Different Islander’s Homes
When you get friendship level 1 with a god, they open their house for you. Inside each house, you will also find a cassette tape for another achievement.
Radar Rookie
Find 10 Lost Mementos
For each god you’ll do a few tasks and after you have done those they will ask you to search for their lost items. Those are the mementos for this achievement. For each friendship level you have to find a few mementos for each of the gods. Later on in the story, Poseidon will also sell a few mementos.
Find 20 Lost Mementos
For each god you’ll do a few tasks and after you have done those they will ask you to search for their lost items. Those are the mementos for this achievement. For each friendship level you have to find a few mementos for each of the gods. Later on in the story, Poseidon will also sell a few mementos.
Memento Maestro
Find 30 Lost Mementos
For each god you’ll do a few tasks and after you have done those they will ask you to search for their lost items. Those are the mementos for this achievement. For each friendship level you have to find a few mementos for each of the gods. Later on in the story, Poseidon will also sell a few mementos.
All Abode
Visit all of the Islander’s Homes
For this, you need to have friendship level 1 with all of them. Inside each house, you will also find a cassette tape for another achievement.
Seal the Deal
Collect all the Island Seals
Most gods have one seal in their house, but a few of them offer a second one at a higher friendship level. you use those seals to open doors to new areas.
Plot Thickens
Place all Soulstones in the Gaia Cavern
This is the point of no return! The game will also warn you about this and advise you to save your game so you can get back to the game after finishing it and finish the stuff you haven’t done yet.
Bon Voyage
Find a Way off the island
This achievement unlocks when you finish the story.
Miscellaneous Achievements
Fruit Picker
Pick 10 Ambrosia Fruit
Pick up all the fruit you see, as there is an achievement for picking up 500 of them. For those 3 achievements you need to pick up the fruits from the bushes. Planting and harvesting them doesn’t count.
Fruit Forever
Pick 250 Ambrosia Fruit
Pick up all the fruit you see, as there is an achievement for picking up 500 of them. For those 3 achievements you need to pick up the fruits from the bushes. Planting and harvesting them doesn’t count.
God of Fruit
Pick 500 Ambrosia Fruit
Pick up all the fruit you see. For those 3 achievements you need to pick up the fruits from the bushes. Planting and harvesting them doesn’t count.
Use a Chillout Spot 5 Times
You can chill at the spots with the blue blanket and listen to your cassette tapes. This achievement can be done by chilling at the same spot 5 times. At one of the early chilling spots you will also find a cassette tape.
Startle the Crabs 20 Times
Walk up to a crab 20 times so it hides in their shell.
Tree Talker
Check on the Gaia Tree 3 Times
Just go to the tree 3 times to check it. You can cheat this and do it quickly by checking the tree, saving, load the save and check again.
Ultimate Islander
Complete all other Island achievements
You’ll unlock this as the last achievement when you have unlocked all the others.
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