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Necro Story Review

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Necro Story

Necro Story is an awesome game in which you play as a necromancer. Casting spells, summoning creatures, signing demon pacts… and helping the ghost of a mag to return humans back to earth…


Approximate amount of time to 100%: If you managed to do everything in one playthrough then around 18 hours or so. If you need a second playthrough, the second time can go a lot quicker. I think in about 7 to 8 hours should be possible when you don’t need to go for all the items.
Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1, but most likely 2
Is there a good guide available: Not yet
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: There are quite a few missable achievements: 2 achievements for the good ending, finding all the items, having every upgrade of 1 spell, signing the demon pact with 4 demons
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No, you can play on story difficulty
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

In Necro Story, you play as a necromancer who just got woken up from a slumber of 5 years. The person who put you into your deep slumber needs your help and decides to wake you up. And while you don’t trust her, you will go along and see what this quest has in store for you.

I’m a huge fan of the developer’s first indie project “Healer’s Quest“, as it is such a unique game and has so much humor and a unique and wonderful art style. I was hyped for Necro Story the moment it got announced and it didn’t disappoint at all. the humor, the art style, the unique gameplay, you can find all of that in this wonderful game as well.

The humor in this game is very oh the nose and a lot of sarcasm. You can take almost everything that is said seriously as most of the time it will be true in some way or another. I love this style of humor.

The gameplay is partly your typical turn-based RPG. You have a few slots to equip spells and you cast those and wait till the cooldown is over. However, in the second or third battle, you will be learning about collecting the souls of the enemies you kill with a mini-game in which you aim toward to souls to suck them up. And just a few minutes later you’ll also learn that you can use those souls to capture the creatures and summon them in later fights. You can summon up to 5 creatures next to you to help you in the fight. And this mini-game will get a tiny bit more complicated over the game with the different types of souls. I had a lot of fun with this mini-game and combining it with casting spells and upgrading them in the way you preferred them to work out for you, as there are a ton of different possibilities.

There are also so many items you can collect and equip yourself or equip on the minions that fight with you, to make them stronger. Finding those items mostly involves defeating bosses but also completing many puzzles. Most of the time there will be a signpost directing you toward the chest/puzzle. And then it is just finding the information to solve the puzzle. This is mostly a paper on the wall, or scrabbled somewhere on the screen. For some of the solutions, you have to cut the grass or break those vases. A few times there is a very light line on the ground to tell you how to solve it. Finding the solutions and receiving the treasure felt so rewarding!

Necro Story has quite a few missable achievements. Most of them you’ll unlock by playing through the story but some things to keep in mind are that there are achievements for having every upgrade of a single spell. Signing a demon pact with 4 demons (They can be found in the first part of the game before entering the point of no return). And the biggest ones: finding every item, the sign at the point of no return will tell you how many you’re missing. And there are 2 for the good ending. That last one is the biggest one as the game will not really tell you until the end. Stop reading here if you don’t want spoilers!! Otherwise, keep reading.

When you die (I think it is the first time) you get the option to not accept death and get back up. Don’t do this if you want to go for all the achievements, accept that you died. If you’re wondering if you did screw this up.. look at the feet of your character. If tiny white particles are swirling around your feet, it means you locked yourself out of the good ending. If you’re going for the good ending, it might be wise to backup your save file from time to time if your system allows that. However, playing through the game for a second time just for those achievements is a lot shorter as you already know the game and hopefully don’t have to go for all the items.

I had such a blast playing through Necro Story! Normally I don’t play games a second time as it is quite time-consuming. However, I’m making an exception for this one as I still enjoy the game so much and I would love to unlock all the achievements.

I give Necro Story 4.5 out of 5 stars and I can’t wait to see what Rablo Games will come with next. Please can we get a Druid game? Altho that might be so much harder as most of those have multiple playstyles which are very different.

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This review for Necro Story was written on 7 October 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 34 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.

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