A challenging nonogram/picross puzzle game. The game is more difficult than other monogram puzzle games as it will not tell you when you make a mistake. No missable achievements and takes around 9 hours to complete.
Approximate amount of time to 100%: ~9 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: You don’t need a guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
Nonogram Animals is a great nonogram/picross puzzle game that feels closer to a real-life puzzle book without the annoying tasks of coloring in the blocks. This game will not tell you when you make a mistake, but will help you with highlighting which numbers you have done and which not. A feature that I loved a lot is that is shows you how many blocks you’re coloring in when selecting multiple blocks. I don’t recommend this as your first monogram game but it is lovely if you already know how the puzzles work and are looking for a way to spend some time puzzling.
From the classic kind of puzzles like sudoku or crossword puzzles, the picross/nanogram puzzles are by far my favorite. I prefer them digitally as coloring those blocks always looks better than when I do it in a real-life puzzle book.
Nonogram Animals has no missable achievements as you will unlock them all by just completing all the puzzles.
I give Nonogram Animals 4 out of 5 stars.
Supernova Games
Supernova Games
This review for Nonogram Animals was written on 10 December 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 7 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.