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On Your Tail – Card Collector Guide

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On Your Tail

This guide contains HUGE spoilers and is incomplete. If you have something to add, please leave a comment under the same guide but on the Steam forum.


Welcome to this guide.

Sorry, I didn’t write everything down from the start. So this is by far a complete guide on where to find everything. I’m also missing a bunch of stuff myself (d*mn constellations :P).

My goal with writing this guide was to give you most of all the names of what you’re missing so you can ask around on the Steam forum or on the official discord server. I have written down what I remember where it came from (and a few tips for other achievements). If you have anything to add, please feel free to mention it under this guide on the steam forum and I’ll try to add it as soon as possible.

A quick note, for the “collector” achievement you don’t need every cards. It seems to me that you need to fill certain categories. As I unlocked it at 715 when watching the last movie and Dominus on discord got it as card 713 when buying the last cloth item. Sadly I don’t know which categories count and which don’t.

Also, none of the achievements are missable and a lot of those cards in this guide you’ll unlock by just playing through the story. So I highly recommend doing that first and just enjoy the game. At the end of the game, you’ll be warned that you can’t return to the village, but that isn’t the case. After going through the ending you just get back into the village before you went through that last questline.



Most of the books you’ll find in the bookstore close to your room, but some you’ll receive from others.

  1. The Gears of Fate
  2. Boat License: Intensive Course – Bookstore
  3. The Feline Comedy
  4. Estoricism for Ignorant Goats – Main Storyline
  5. Geesebumps
  6. The Swallow and the Rats
  7. The Friendliness of Prime Numbers
  8. The Banda Della Lole
  9. The star Sultan
    10.The Careful Fisherman’s Handbook – bookstore
  10. Tastes of Liguria
  11. Pandoro’s Eyes
  12. Radio Smirks and Dances
  13. Hearts in Harmony
  14. The Leisure Volume
  15. Cooking for the Lazy – bookstore


I can’t remember if you buy all of them from the movie store or most of them.

  1. Night of the Living Octopuses
  2. The Goose Brothers
  3. Castleblanca
  4. Bicycle Bandits
  5. A Dachshund and a Half
  6. An Unusual Day
  7. I’ll Start from Three again
  8. Paws
  9. The rules of the Gecko
  10. White Horses
  11. Back to the Blooper
  12. Iguana Jones and the Rodents of the Lost Ark
  13. Matrimony Italian Style
  14. E.C. – The Eekster-Celestial
  15. An American Werellama in London


Those can be found everywhere: in tunnels, around areas outside the village, catching fish, reading books, and other activities.

  1. The Pirate Constellations – fishing up the pirate hat
  2. The Moray Eel Constellations – Can be found on Via aroma above the house where there is stuff outside but which isn’t a store
  3. The Grape Constellations – Can be found on the farm
  4. The Lantern Constellations – Can be found by the lighthouse
  5. The Tower Constellations – Can be found by the castle
  6. The Aquarius Constellations – Can be found at Via degli Spiriti at the bottom of the sink (Thank you D-Omen! Impressive that you found this)
  7. The Sea Rhinoceros Constellations – Round balcony past Carla’s house (at the beach that looks over the water)
  8. The Mount Constellations – Can be found by the old train station
  9. The Fire Constellations – Can be found at Villa Fidato
  10. The knight Constellations – can be found on Forte Esterin
  11. The Anchor Constellations – Can be found at Porto Vecchio
  12. The Mercy Constellations – Lexua’s hide
  13. Aries Constellations – In the street with the fortune teller, on a yellow wall, very hard to see
  14. Taurus Constellations – above Gilberto and Mariuccia’s door- house number 2 above the trattoria (Thank you kateroo2001)
  15. Cancer Constellations – In the tunnel that goes between Via Roma to Orlando’s house
  16. Gemini Constellations – talking to teo (Thank you kateroo2001)
  17. The Abundance Constellations – the underside of the bridge the vispa is parked by
  18. Leo Constellations – Can be found near Gemma’s house by the basketball hoop
  19. Capricon Constellations – In Orlando’s garden by the pond
  20. Libra Constellations
  21. Virgo Constellations
  22. Scorpio Constellations
  23. Saggitarius Constellations – Talking with Lexua about Moira
  24. Pisces Constellations – Finishing friendship questline with Paun


Most of those you learn from the cookbook in the bookstore, but some you learn from friends.

  1. Pasta with Tomato Sauce
  2. Genoa-Style lasagne
  3. Coffee – cookbook from the bookstore
  4. Caprese Salad
  5. Trofie al pesto pasta
  6. panissa


Colori di Cecilia

Once you unlock the storyline with Cecilia you can visit her daily to finish a painting.

  1. Italian breakfast
  2. The student and the master
  3. Out of tune serenade
  4. The emissary
  5. Punk is noise
  6. Poetry on the beach
  7. The company of the wyvern


The games can be found all over the village. Most are marked on your map.

  1. Marbles
  2. Skipping Stones
  3. Ice-cream maker
  4. Waitress
  5. Stargazing


You get those by following the photo questline. If you need help by finding the right location, check out this guide:

  1. Corvo Rock
  2. Punk Mural
  3. Main Street
  4. Church and bell tower
  5. Village monument
  6. Orlando’s piano
  7. Cecilia’s painting
  8. Gordon’s boat
  9. Statue and workshop


  1. World out there. Which is the only arcade game you can play there. There is also an achievement tied to beating the high score.

Some tips to get the highscore and with that the achievement “Top Score”:

  • Do this with mouse and keyboard is you can, aiming is so much easier that way.
  • You get point by moving forward, so you don’t have to kill everything.
  • Focus mostly on the enemies in front of you, but be careful with your shots, you don’t want to hit every shot to get the boost.
  • If enemies behind you come close you hear their sound, if there is a bunch of them behind you, it might be useful to turn around and shoot those, but again try to hit with every bullet to trigger the boost.
  • There are a few hearts in the air which heal you 1 heart if you hit those.


Help out at the farm

Once you unlocked the storyline of Adriano’s farm, you can go there to help him out with chores around his farm. There are 7 cards in total.


In the gelateria mini-game you earn money for the business. You can use those to buy items to increase your daily earnings. So I highly recommend buying them as soon as possible. The cards in this category are for all 10 upgrades you can buy.


Very early on you’ll unlock the waitress mini game. you can do this 2 times a day and one you have finished the first 2 the next 2 unlock, and after those the next 2. There are 10 rounds (aka cards) in total.


These cards you unlock by delivering the mail. When I received mail I wrote down their name on paper and the address, as you have to look up the streets yourself. Gladly they are listed on the map.

There are 25 letters in total, spread over a few in-game days. When you have delivered them all you also unlock the achievement “The Postwoman Always Rings Twice”.



There are 15 mysteries, but because they are story-related and you’ll get them all if you follow the main questline, I won’t list them here.


Those cards you unlock by doing the mini-game for tidying Chea’s bag and following Lexua’s questline.

  1. Exclusion
  2. Unique colors
  3. Getting things in order
  4. I’ve changed my mind
  5. Adjacencies
  6. From left to right
  7. If
  8. Majorities
  9. The secret rules
  10. I won’t tell you
  11. Skeleton key for the gate
  12. Special request <3
  13. Coral shoals
  14. The gates of the abyss
  15. the hall of the moray eel
  16. Navigation 101


This seems to be for all the quests in the game. So the main quests but also the sidequests and the friendship quests.


There are 4 interrogations, but because they are story-related and you’ll get them all if you follow the main quest, I won’t list them here.



Most of those you buy in the clothing store which is in the same street as your house, the bookstore and the movie store.

  1. Summer dress
  2. Tie-dye dress
  3. Casual clothers
  4. Swim shorts and bikini top (Peina’s questline)
  5. Diana’s clothes
  6. Punk dress
  7. Ice cream shop uniform
  8. Waitress uniform
  9. Madman outfit – Reward for playing the demo (Thank you Lur)
  10. C&C outfit
  11. Patatz outfit
  12. Cherry swimsuit
  13. abstract swimsuit
  14. Striped Swimsuit
  15. Red swimsuit
  16. floral swimsuit
  17. Blue swimsuit
  18. Rainbow swimsuit
  19. Starry swimsuit – Reward for playing the demo (Thank you Lur)
  20. Designer swimsuit

Tools and Objects

The following items are mostly tools to complete quests or quest rewards.

  1. Chronolens – main questline
  2. Camera – main questline
  3. Map – main questline
  4. Mind palaca – main questline
  5. Falcon-3000 Turbo – Lexua questline
  6. Professional fishing rod – main questline or Chea’s questline
  7. Fishing rod – main questline
  8. Lexua’s Boat – main questline
  9. Borgo Marina postcard
  10. Car keys
  11. Vispa keys
  12. Il Sabato Enigmistic
  13. Snorkel
  14. Occult symbol in the cell – main questline
  15. boat – main questline
  16. Vispa – main questline
  17. Boat license – main questline
  18. Hosue keys – main questline
  19. Shopping bag – general store, I highly recommend to buy this early on, to be able to harvest ingredients.

My Home

Those items can be quest rewards, or rewards for watching movies, buying plants, book and other stuff.

  1. Narcissus – plant store
  2. A.N.A.L.Y.S.I.S. – Chea storyline
  3. Radio – general store
  4. Telephone – general store
  5. Telescope – general store
  6. Poster – A Dachtshund and a half – reward for watching the movie
  7. Poster – E.C. – The Eekster-Celestial – reward for watching the movie
  8. Poster – Iguana Jones – reward for watching the movie
  9. Ligurian alyssum – plant store
    10.Aloe Vera – plant store
  10. Bamboo – plant store
  11. Cactus – plant store
  12. Chrysanthemum – plant store
  13. Echeveria – plant store
  14. Cathedral cactus – plant store
  15. Prickly Pear Cactus – plant store
  16. Sea fig – plant store
  17. Geranium – plant store
  18. Spiderwort – plant store
  19. Buttercup – plant store
  20. Tulip – plant store
  21. Sanseveria – plant store
  22. Field bindweed – plant store
  23. Poster – Paws – reward for watching the movie
  24. Poster – Night of the Living Octopuses – reward for watching the movie
  25. Poster The rules of the Gecko – reward for watching the movie
  26. Poster – White Horse – reward for watching the movie
  27. Poster – Bicycle Bandits – reward for watching the movie
  28. Poster – I’ll start from three again – reward for watching the movie
  29. Poster – Back to the Bloopers – reward for watching the movie
  30. Poster – Matrimony Italian Style – reward for watching the movie
  31. Poster – Castleblanca – reward for watching the movie
  32. poster – The Goose Brothers – reward for watching the movie
  33. Poster – An American Werellama in London – reward for watching the movie
  34. Poster – An Unusual Day – reward for watching the movie
  35. Television – general store


Here are all the friends. they all have their own questsline to become best friends and to unlock a bunch of stuff.

  1. Chea
  2. Paun
  3. Lexua
  4. Peina
  5. Adriano


Those mostly unlock through the friendship questline. I didn’t find them all and still got the “Collector” achievement.

Borgo Marina


  1. Promontory
  2. Cheazioni
  3. Forte Esterin
  4. Foto & Foto
  5. Lighthouse
  6. Cuniglis Home
  7. Dragut Arcade
  8. Mamma Lucia’s Trattoria
  9. Gelateria Blu Mare
  10. Colori di Cecilia
  11. Adriano’s Farm
  12. Margherita Church
  13. Villa De Montoni
  14. Piazza dei Flutti
  15. Piazza XXI Giugno
  16. Piazzale Miramare
  17. Piazza Santa Margherita
  18. Porto Vecchio
  19. Corso Gattibaldi
  20. Luna & Sole Bar
  21. Abandoned train Station
  22. Villa Fidato
  23. Belvedere
  24. Lido del Fumettista
  25. Caprioli Gardens
  26. Cavalli Castle
  27. Carte & Caso
  28. Town Hall
  29. Lexua’s hideout
  30. Moira’s Grave


A list of the people you’ll encounter through the storyline.

  1. Diana
  2. Beatrice
  3. Fortune teller
  4. Cicci
  5. Gemma
  6. Giovanna
  7. Gordon
  8. Lumin
  9. Malagamba
  10. Tonu
  11. Mamma Lucia
  12. Medu
  13. Menettu
  14. Mia
  15. Moria
  16. Mucci
  17. Orlando
  18. Professor Vecchi
  19. Tarcisio
  20. Sebastiano
  21. Racilio
  22. Dad
  23. mom


This are all the characters in the game. So knock on every single door. If you’re missing someone, feel free to let it know in the comments under the Steam guide, maybe I remember where they were or someone else. Sometimes their clothing also tells you something, like fisherman clothing around the port and church clothing around the church.


Most ingredients you can collect in the wild or buy at the supermarket.

  1. Onion – Close to the school
  2. Basil
  3. Tomato
  4. Lemon – Adriano’s farm
  5. Trofie – supermarket
  6. Hazelnuts
  7. Pepper – supermarket
  8. Potatoes
  9. Chickpea flour – supermarket
  10. Strawberry – In Orlando’s garden
  11. Pine nuts
  12. Olive oil – supermarket
  13. Salt – supermarket
  14. Rigatoni – supermarket
  15. Cocoa
  16. Ground coffee – supermarket
  17. Mozzarella
  18. Coconut
  19. Pistachios
  20. Green beans
  21. Lasagna – supermarket


Each fish has its own spot, so finding them all can be challenging. For some you need the best fishing rod and 3 of them are tied to a quest.

  1. Squid
  2. Grouper
  3. Gilt-head Bream
  4. Sole
  5. Sardine
  6. Moray Eel
  7. Mackerel
  8. Giant anglerfish – fishing quest late in the game
  9. Seaweed
  10. Can
  11. Boot
  12. Necklace – Close to Lexua’s hideout
  13. Branzino
  14. Scorpionfish
  15. Diplodus
  16. Blenny fish
  17. Giant Eel – fishing quest late in the game
  18. Giant Grouper – fishing quest late in the game
  19. Arctic char – fishing spot under the bridge by your Vispa
  20. Anglerfish – please tell me where this is if you know it, as this is one of the 4 I’m missing myself
  21. Mullet
  22. Pirate hat – close to the lighthouse



You can unlock those by buying artwork from the Fortune teller with clues. Don’t fee afraid to use your clues as you can buy extra clues for this artwork from the fortune teller herself.


These are cards for all the trophies/achievements, so check your trophy/achievement list to know which ones you’re missing.


Those cards you get for playing through the main storyline and all the mini-games.

Thank you!

Thank you very much for checking out this guide. I’m sorry it is far from complete. I really wish I knew how in-depth it was and had written down more but on the other hand.. I’m not sure I would have started this guide if I had known how huge On Your Tail is.

I want to thank the developers, Dominus and Lur on discord for helping me discover more cards.

If you found the guide helpful, you would also help me out a lot if you would consider following my curator page.