Table of Contents
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WARNING This guide will contain spoilers!
Paper Trail is an awesome puzzle game that has a lot of secrets and challenges to find the collectibles. There are achievements for completing the game without hints and in under 4 hours.
I would highly recommend playing the first time without any guide to just fully enjoy the game and pick up as many origami as you spot along the way. You can always go back to each section to pick up missing origami and completing the game in under 4 hours is easier the second time.
The videos I link in this video aren’t mine but will help you out with finding all the origami and can also help with finishing in under 4 hours.
General Achievements
A Clean Sheet
Complete the game without using hints
During the tutorial you have to press H to open the hint system, but don’t use the slider at the bottom, close it and never use it for this achievement to pop.
Folding Under Pressure
Complete a new game in under 4 hours
Hidden under the ‘load” screen you can start a new save or see the time on your save file.
Easier On Paper
Find all secrets
just as it says, find all the secrets, all of them are achievements, so check those to know which one you’re missing.
You and Who’s Origami
Find all the origami
This is tracked in the level selection menu, so you can easily see where you’re missing origami.
Chapter 1: Home

The Story Unfolds
Find the memory of Paige and her dad
During the first intro, you get to see a screen with Paige and a window with the lighthouse behind her. Click with the left mouse button on this screen to find Paide and her dad.
Paper Tail
Pet Ollie
After sleeping at home and before you run away, go to the screen on the right to be able to pet Ollie. However, I have seen him on a lot more screens so maybe they all have the chance to unlock this achievement?
Crumply Old Man
Annoy Winslow
Keep talking with the lighthouse keeper when you fixed the lighthouse. This can only be done at this specific time, if you missed it you have to start another save (gladly there are 3 save slots available through the load screen)
Fold Over a New Leaf
Complete Home
Unlocked as soon as the chapter is finished.
Ah, Home Sheet Home!
Collect all Home origami
If you can’t find them, this video by Moa Wei will help you out:
Chapter 2: Cave

Folding Stones Gather No Moss
Knock over all of the stacked stones
There are 3 piles of stones in the cave area, knock them all over to get this achievement.
Journey to the Centerfold
Complete Cave
Unlocked as soon as the chapter is finished.
Rocks, Paper, Scissors
Collect all Cave origami
If you can’t find them, the following video will help you out:
Chapter 3: Swamp

Fold Shoulder
Release the frog
When you first encounter the two kids in a boat, keep talking with them till this achievement pops.
Fold your Paper, Alligator
Complete Swamp
Unlocked as soon as the chapter is finished.
Snakes on a Non-Euclidean Plane
Collect all Swamp origami
If you can’t find them, the following video will help you out:
Manifold Destiny
Find the deer in the sky
During the cutscene at the end of the chapter (or through the journey menu), you will see a picture of your brother painting, on the next screen click with the left mouse button.
Chapter 4: Forest

Leaf Me Alone
Complete Forest
Unlocked as soon as the chapter is finished.
Creased Lightning
Collect all Forest origami
If you can’t find them, the following video will help you out:
Chapter 5: Autumn

Stop, Drop and Fold
Complete Autumn
Unlocked as soon as the chapter is finished.
Craftwork Orange
Collect all Autumn origami
If you can’t find them, the following video will help you out:
Chapter 6: Ruins

Papering the Cracks
Knock over the vase
In the first puzzle in the ruins, you can knock over the vase that is very close to where you start.
Jurassic Fold
Complete Ruins
Unlocked as soon as the chapter is finished.
Collect all Ruins origami
If you can’t find them, the following video will help you out:
Chapter 7: Temple

Picture Purr-fect
Find the comfy cat
After finishing the temple puzzles, or selecting the scenes in the journey tab. On the screen where you see Paige and her brother by a locked door, click with your left mouse button to show the other side of the paper.
Holy Sheets
Complete Temple
Unlocked as soon as the chapter is finished.
Lara Craft
Collect all Temple origami
If you can’t find them, the following video will help you out:
Chapter 8: Ocean

The Fold Man and the Sea
Complete Ocean
Unlocked as soon as the chapter is finished.
They Sea Me Foldin
Collect all Ocean origami
If you can’t find them, the following video will help you out:
Chapter 9: City

A Good Snowman Is Hard To Fold
Knock over the snowman
This is on the screen where you have 4 different papers but folding one folds them all. The snowman is on the top right.
Recycled ideas
Find Hue on the reverse
On the first screen about your graduation, click with the left mouse button and hold it for a few seconds to find Hue. This is such a fun easter egg toward the studio heads’ first game Hue.
Brave New Fold
Complete City
Unlocked as soon as the chapter is finished.
Wrapping Up
Collect all City origami
If you can’t find them, the following video will help you out. one of the puzzles seems to have changed since that video was made. However, it still can help you to get a general idea.
Peer-Reviewed Paper
Graduate University
Unlocks for finishing the game.
Deer Diary
Find the deer on the bridge
After the credits you find the deer on the bridge to the left of your house, walk over to it. and especially look at the reflection in the water.
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