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Stacklands Review

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Stacklands is such a unique and fun card game. It has permadeath and you can miss out on achievements, but some progression stays when starting a new game. Completion will take 4h+.


Approximate amount of time to 100%: 4h+
Estimated achievement difficulty: 2/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: Yes, here you can find a guide with all the needed information.
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: Yes, but a new game is short and you don’t have to unlock the packs you already unlocked earlier.
Grinding Achievements: No
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: Just a little bit with how fast you find the mysterious relic, but give it time and you’ll find it
Does difficulty affect achievements: The difficulty with how long a day takes doesn’t influence the achievements, but on a peaceful game you can’t unlock every achievement.
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

Stacklands is a short but very enjoyable puzzle/simulation game. You start with just one villager and a few other cards and you want to collect resources to build things like a mine, to get the right resources without having to buy new card packs all the time. If you don’t have villagers alive anymore (because they got killed by enemies or starved to death) you will have to start over, but you don’t have to unlock all the card packs and ideas anymore that you have previously discovered. The end goal of the game is to build a specific building and find a relic and then defeat the final boss, but there are plans to add more content to Stacklands in the future.

I think that this game will be very challenging if you don’t use this steam guide that I linked above because you have to figure out or wait to find idea cards to know how to build specific structures and weapons. With that guide, it is a lot easier and just a matter of understanding the game, which may still take a playthrough where you die. Also make sure you have enough people with weapons before summoning the end boss, as he can be really challenging and you don’t want to have to start over when you came that far.

I only have 2 small complaints about the game. one is that I couldn’t find any button prompts to zoom in and out on the map, and my mouse doesn’t have a scroll wheel to do that. So I had to use a macro to be able to zoom out when I increased the max amount of cards you can have (which also increases the playing field). The other one is that it has permadeath, which means you can be so close to the ending and then start all over again. I understand why it has it and it is a short game, so it isn’t that bad, but I wish it was optional.

The achievements are quite straight forward and if you’re having trouble with one, check the linked guide above. You can miss out on some because you die before beating the final boss, or because you play a peaceful game and can’t kill some specific enemies for the achievements, but the game is short so starting over isn’t too bad. I noticed that I did so much better in my second playthrough because I knew what to do and on what to focus.



This review for Stacklands was written on 15 April 2022, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 16 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.

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