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The Smurfs 2 – The Prisoner of the Green Stone Review

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The Smurfs 2 - The Prisoner of the Green Stone

A nice game with fun combat that reminds me of Ratchet & Clank. However, the bugs get in the way of enjoying the game. Especially as an achievement hunter while going for the challenges. No missable achievements and completion takes around 24h.


Approximate amount of time to 100%: 24 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 5/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: Yes, I used this this guide made by PowerPyx
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: Yes, getting 1 million essence of nothingness was a grind
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: Yes, you have to complete the challenges with a gold medal
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes, you have to fight the last boss on the hardest difficulty. the rest can be played on story difficulty
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

A while back I played The Smurfs – Mission Vileaf and had a nice time with it. So I had high hopes for the sequel. And at first, it looked so good! I don’t think the story is that good but I loved the gameplay which looked more like a Ratchet & Clank game. While it is a bit weird in the Smurf universe it was awesome. However… the further I got the more obvious the bugs became.

You play as 4 different smurfs in this game, trying to destroy all the green gemstones while fighting baddies and platforming around. The game looks lovely, the environment is well done and the movement of the smurfs feels good. It is fun to hop around and shoot the baddies, especially with the different types of bullets you can shoot and their various effects.

So what is stopping me from praising this game as much as I would love to? The many bugs… the first thing I notice while playing on PC is that any interference from outside the game causes the game to freeze. So any mail that comes in, a discord message, or just anything. You kinda have to close everything while playing this game so nothing can pop up.

Another thing I noticed is that recording the game doesn’t work. I use Nvidia software to record bugs to report them, or maybe make a tutorial video.. that wasn’t possible for The Smurfs 2 – The Prisoner of the Green Stone as it just wouldn’t record the game, the recording instantly stopped. That might also why you can’t find much gameplay on YouTube as it just doesn’t work.

While playing through the game I had 5 Fatal errors that closed the game. That was annoying but okay… However when working on the challenges with a lot of enemies around.. that amount skyrocketed to 15 fatal crashes while trying to complete the challenges with a gold medal. and to make things worse, this mostly happened when I had a good run and a good shot on the gold medal.

The last type of bug I encountered: some of the challenges were broken. One of them doesn’t recognize you getting gold and you might have to do it multiple times ( for me it finally unlocked while doing it 2 times in a row without going back to the main hub). And in another challenge, the portal doesn’t work the first time you go through it, so you die and have to do that part again, which takes around 15 seconds while you only have 3 minutes for the gold challenge. That last one was reported on the Steam forums almost a year ago, so it is sad to see that bug still in the game.

I still recommend this game as the basis is quite good, but be ready to get hit with many bugs. Which is just so sad to see.

The achievements are quite a doable list. You have to beat the last boss on the hardest difficulty but everything before you could play on the easiest difficulty, just don’t forget to switch the difficulty in that last level. It has achievements for destroying all the green crystals. The game only has a few levels but they are huge! So replaying them can take quite a bit of time. Try to destroy everything when playing through the game. From what I saw when going back for the last pieces…. don’t forget to look up! Almost all the ones I missed where above the playing area.

There are achievements for winning all challenges with at least a gold medal. (I’m glad it wasn’t crystal, I would go crazy and don’t think that would be doable for me to do.) which nicely can be accessed from the menu while you’re in the main hub. And lastly, there is a grindy achievement for reaching 1 million currency. you can spend it freely but after doing everything else I was still almost 100k short (the achievement dinged for me when I had 299k left after buying everything). I did this by grinding the Myst’Tics challenge in the second area as it is short but the reward is quite nice.

I give The Smurfs 2 – The Prisoner of the Green Stone 3 out of 5 stars. I wish I could give it a higher score as I enjoyed the game but the bugs brought it down so much.

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This review for The Smurfs 2 – The Prisoner of the Green Stone was written on 29 October 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 29 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.

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