I love the humor in Terry’s game! This is a fun open-world game with a lot to do it in. I recommend buying the helmet that will tell you where to find collectibles very early on. Completion takes around 10 hours.
Approximate amount of time to 100%: 10h
Estimated achievement difficulty: 3/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1
Is there a good guide available: I wrote this guide
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: I’m unsure if you can continue after finishing the game.
Grinding Achievements: Yes, collecting all the collectibles is a bit of a grind
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: No
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: No
Does difficulty affect achievements: No difficulty setting
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No
Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip is an awesome (small) open-world game in which you play as Terry. your parents are on holiday and you are left alone. You have just one wish and this is the right time to go for that…. A car to get to space! So you go to the Job Application Centre to apply for a job… kinda… which comes with a car. And after you get the car it is time to explore the city. Meet some people and help them with whatever they ask for.
I love the world Terry lives in. It is a city without many rules. So many times I saw cars crashed, or waiting in a line for nothing.. but that also makes total sense because if you have one person that parks in the middle of the road (Terry would never do that, would he? :P) then the rest is stuck there as well.
I felt a bit lost at the beginning of the game… it wasn’t totally clear what I should do next, but that is because you can do anything you want. There are no rights or wrongs, just go to question marks on the map to meet people and help them out. I would highly recommend destroying boxes and garbage bags because they contain money, and you’ll need a lot of money! To buy equipment ( a net, a helmet that will tell you where to find Turbo Trash, a paraglider (PS I would also buy them in that order)), to buy hats, and also for some quests (aka To-do list items).
For me as a Dutch person, it was so funny to see some of the names of people but also places. They are not totally Dutch words but are made up with parts of Dutch words. You don’t need to know any Dutch to play Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip but it feels like a little easter egg.
I had so much fun playing TTTT and I love the humor the game has. There are so many jokes, some in plain sight, some a bit hidden but I laughed out loud a lot of times because of the twist something took that I didn’t expect.
About the achievements in Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip, I’m unsure if you can continue after finishing the game. The game warns you about going to the finish, so you will clearly know what to do to end the game. After doing that I came back into the world but without any to-do list items. However, I completed them all before going through the ending so maybe that is why the to-do list was clear? Or maybe because you can’t continue, which would make sense story-wise. I would also guess that having 450 Turbo Trash on you is missable. However, if you missed that it is quite easy to get that in a new game, and gladly the game has 4 save slots.
What I love about the achievements in TTTT is that they are there for just doing everything. Nothing hidden and you don’t need a guide if you don’t want to. The ending is so clear that you don’t need to know beforehand when that will happen to make sure you did everything. However, it has an achievement for getting every single Turbo Trash ( aka collectible) in the game. There is a hat that will tell you with audio when there is turbo trash nearby and I highly highly recommend buying that very early on to already mop up most of them while playing through the game. This will be the most challenging achievement as there is just trash hidden everywhere. In the sky, underground.. in buildings, at the top of buildings.. as I said, everywhere. I’m so so glad the developer added the Ape Escape helmet (kinda, but it reminds me of that) to tell you when you’re close to the trash.
I give Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip 4,5 out of 5 stars.
This review for Tiny Terry’s Turbo Trip was written on 27 May 2024, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 31 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.