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Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop Review

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Uncle Chop's Rocket Shop

Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop is a roguelike Ikea manuel simulator game. You’ll fix rocket ships and many other things while working toward different endings. No missable achievements, and completion takes around 30 hours.


Approximate amount of time to 100%: Around 30 hours
Estimated achievement difficulty: 4/10
Minimum number of playthroughs needed: It is a roguelite, so many playthroughs
Is there a good guide available: Many Steam community guides will help you with each aspect. Sadly not yet a complete achievement guide. For all the different endings, I recommend this list:…
Multiplayer achievements: No
Missable achievements: No
Grinding Achievements: Some might be a bit grindy, like finding all the trading cards
DLC-Only achievements: No
Speedrun achievements: Yes, it has 2 speedrun achievements
Time-gated achievements: No
RNG-achievements: Yes, for some you need a tiny bit of luck
Does difficulty affect achievements: There are 2 modes: frantic on time and relaxed but fewer jobs. I know the 10-minute achievement must be done in frantic mode, but I am unsure about the 45-minute achievement
Unobtainable/glitched achievements: No

Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop is such a unique game. It has like 2 phases. In the beginning, it is mostly learning how to fix all the different parts of the rocket ships. You’ll spend a lot of time reading the manual, getting experience with all the different parts, and just doing all the different jobs. However, this game has so many secrets. I have played through quite a few endings, and every single time, I was surprised where the story took me.

I would like to highlight that this game has so many details and ways to help you out. Not only there are 2 different modes: a hectic mode, which is on time, and a stress-free mode, in which you can only do 3 (or, with an upgrade, 4) jobs a day. The game will also help you out, telling you exactly where to find the manual for each part of the ship with a codering on the ship parts and bookmarks in your manual. Also almost everything you will see in the environment has something to do with a secret, it is crazy how they managed to add so much to this game.

Most of the game can be played in the stress-free mode, however some things still have a timer. One of the endings has a few days where you have to do tasks while a timer is going on. Ships that land with some kind of exploding mechanism will also have a timer. I’m not sure how they could do this in a different way and if it should be changed, but the “lawmaker” ending where I died within seconds after still graphing what was going on felt unfair and was a breaking point for me to not go for 100% of the achievements myself.

Achievement-wise, there are achievements for each of the different endings. And I think that all the endings have additional achievements for doing X and/or Y while going for that different ending. There is an achievement for finding all the washing machine codes. If you want to do that without a guide, the difficulty of completing this game will bump up a lot, as some of the solutions are crazy. There is also an achievement for finding all the different trading cards. For this, I recommend opening up panels, even if you don’t have to repair those, to find more trading cards like in toilets or behind the fuel panel. None of the achievements are missable and I would guess completing them takes around 30h if you use guides when needed.

I give Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop 4 out of 5 stars.


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This review for Uncle Chop’s Rocket Shop was written on 15 January 2025, based on the current Steam version of the game which has 45 achievements at the time of writing this review. This information can be outdated, for example, when the developer adds or removes achievements or releases (new) DLC.

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